In the realm of parenting, understanding sleep is about more than just maintaining your child’s physical health. It’s important to note that Kindergarteners need 10 hours of regular sleep, a crucial fact that every parent should be aware of.
According to the findings of a recent study, young toddlers require a significant amount of sleep—specifically, at least ten hours’ worth.
The study, which was conducted in 2022 and published in the issue of Pediatrics that came out in August of that year, discovered that children who regularly got at least ten hours of sleep per night, particularly before they started kindergarten, had better social-emotional, academic, and learning engagement outcomes than those children whose sleep patterns were inconsistent. Children who slept for ten or more hours each night also had an easier time making the adjustment to kindergarten.
The researchers investigated the sleeping patterns of 221 households and accounted for factors such as the ratio of household income to the poverty line, the health of the children, and the number of school absences. They discovered that consistent sleep during the night was more significant than sleeping for at least 10 hours throughout the day, including during naps.
The CDC recommends that persons aged 18 to 65 need at least seven hours of sleep each night, but ten hours is even more than that.
“The reason why children require more sleep than adults is that they are growing,” says Dr. Mathew. During deep sleep, hormones that are important for growth are released, and the body is able to repair and restore itself while it is asleep.
Dr. Mathew, who was not involved in the creation of the study, adds that sleep is beneficial not just to physical development but also to mental health and concentration.
According to Dr. Mathew, “sleep plays an important role in the processing and consolidation of brain activity, which in turn affects cognition, memory, learning, problem-solving, mood, motivation, focus, and behavior, among other things.”
While there are some youngsters who have no trouble sleeping the necessary amount of time each night, there are others who might have difficulty doing so. According to Dr. Mathew, parents have a role in assisting their children in adjusting to new environments.
“Protecting their sleep schedule and maintaining it regular regularly will mean changing home or work-related responsibilities [and] chores if necessary and ensuring regular mealtimes,” adds Dr. Mathew. “This is necessary in order to protect their sleep pattern and keep it regular continuously.” “Maintaining the routine on the weekends is also quite important, despite the fact that this might be difficult for many parents. When the child’s routine and circadian rhythms are thrown off on the weekend, it causes confusion for the child and has the potential to make the child’s start to the school week less than optimal.”
Dr. Mathew recommends that parents prohibit the use of electronic devices in their children’s bedrooms and points out that young children may not exhibit the same signs of sleep deprivation as adults.
She notes that hyperactivity, behavioral difficulties, and falling behind in school are some of the most commonly encountered symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
If a child’s difficulty falling or staying asleep persists, she advises parents to consult their child’s pediatrician.
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