Let’s explore the teething journey again: Amid the coos and giggles, when those little furrows appear on your baby’s brow and the peaceful nights are replaced with fussiness, you may find yourself questioning, “Is my child really sick or is it just because of cutting teeth?” These charming yet challenging milestones typically kickstart around 4 to 6 months, intermittently continuing until they’re toddling around, wielding a full set of baby teeth by age 2 or 3.
You can anticipate symptoms that include drooling and fussiness, as well as nocturnal wakings, face rashes, and gum irritation. These symptoms will fluctuate in severity. Some of these symptoms are brought on by inflammation, which occurs as a result of the teeth cutting through the sensitive gum tissues. However, may teething cause babies to develop a fever? This is the information that parents should know.
Is a Fever Associated with Teething?
When a baby is cutting a new tooth, their body temperature may experience a “very tiny” spike, as stated by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). According to AAP, a fever is defined as any rectal temperature higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or an oral reading higher than 99 degrees Fahrenheit. However, note that the so-called “teething fever” that most babies experience is not typically high enough to be considered an actual fever.
Researchers responsible for a study published in the issue of Pediatrics that came out in March 2016 found that “eruption of primary teeth is associated with a rise in temperature, but it was not characterized as fever.” These researchers used data that was collected from 10 different major studies. This distinction is important because if a child develops a true fever, assuming that teething is the cause could lead doctors or parents to miss possible illness or infection that requires treatment. This distinction is crucial because it could lead doctors or parents to miss possible illness or infection that requires treatment.
There is considerable debate about whether or not the “fever” that teething causes is actually the body’s immune system reacting to the baby reaching an age where they are naturally exposed to more pathogens, according to an article published in the British Dental Journal in the year 2022. The article states that this is a topic of discussion. The article restated the fear that parents and even doctors may ignore actual sickness and think that the infant is only teething since the concept of “teething fever” is so widespread. The concern was brought up because of the prevalence of the term “teething fever.”
What’s the takeaway here? Your kid might get a fever when they are teething, but you should still call the doctor if the fever is particularly high.
Is Your Infant Crying Due to Toothache or Illness?
Is your youngster running a slight temperature right now? Because some of the causes of fever require medical treatment, it is essential to investigate the symptoms of these causes. Here is how to determine whether your baby is teething or experiencing anything else that causes an increase in temperature.
The Symptoms of Teething Fever
The fever associated with teething is typically mild (less than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit). Additionally, it is possible that it will be accompanied by other teething symptoms, such as:
- Drooling
- Swollen gums.
- Consuming everything within its reach by gnawing and biting on it.
- They were rubbing the area around their mouth, cheeks, and ears.
- Irritability, particularly when at night.
- Rash in the mouth
- Reduced hunger for a short period of time.
The findings of the study that was conducted in March 2016 revealed that the symptoms of teething tended to reach their peak during the time that a child’s primary incisors or front teeth emerged, which can happen anywhere between 6 and 16 months of age, and that these symptoms tended to lessen as the child got older.
In most cases, a fever associated with teething will begin approximately one day before the tooth erupts and will cease once the tooth has broken through the gums. You can’t really prevent or cure a teething fever because your child’s temperature will naturally return to normal in a few days. To stop or prevent a teething fever, not much can be done.
It is not uncommon for children to get sick around the time that they start teething. This is partly because open wounds in the gums make them more susceptible to catching bugs, according to Jill Lasky, D.D.S., a pediatric dentist at Lasky Pediatric Dental Group in Los Angeles. While a slightly elevated temperature can accompany a new tooth, it is not uncommon for children to get sick around the time that they start teething.
If your kid displays any of the following symptoms, they should be examined by a pediatrician as soon as possible since they could be signs of a cold, an ear infection, or another sickness.
The Heart of the Matter
When your child is cutting a tooth, it is usually not necessary for you to be overly concerned if they develop a temperature lower than 100.4 degrees. However, if the temperature exceeds 101 degrees or is coupled with any other symptoms of illness, you should see a doctor.
It is never a good idea to conclude that your baby’s symptoms are due to teething without first ensuring that you have eliminated all other possible causes, such as true illnesses. According to Dr. Lasky, a baby or toddler cutting their teeth is not typically accompanied by symptoms such as a runny nose, diarrhea, or sneezing.
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