Among the passengers aboard a flight that became the setting for an unexpected event, one individual managed to document some of the most unforgettable moments. This passenger’s account, captured in a viral TikTok, recounts the birth of a baby during the flight, offering a unique perspective on this extraordinary event.
Although many soon-to-be parents are eager to plan the specifics of their labor and delivery, most people who have been through the process will tell you that there are limits to how much you can influence the outcome of the labor and delivery process. After going into labor and delivering her baby while en route from Salt Lake City to Hawaii, one new mother came to that conclusion quite quickly. Her labor and birth were captured in a TikTok video that went viral earlier this year.
A fellow passenger, who goes by the handle @JuliaBernice on TikTok, said that a baby had just been born on the airplane. She quickly turns to a scene in which the pilot’s voice can be heard remarking over the intercom, “We just had a child born on the airplane, as the majority of you have probably already heard, so let’s give the mother a great big round of applause. Congratulations.”
The flight finally arrived at its destination after a three-hour delay, and passengers were ordered to remain seated while the new mother received medical aid to depart the aircraft. The new mother was eventually named Lavinia “Lavi” Mounga in an article published by the Associated Press. The TikTok footage then cuts to a shot of the mother carrying her little child while she is removed from the airplane in a wheelchair. People rushed to catch a look at the new addition and offered her warm, congratulatory wishes as she passed by.
Since it was initially uploaded, the video has attracted a significant number of views and comments from internet users. Some of these comments discuss the amount of money the mother probably saved by delivering the baby at home rather than in a medical facility. Others comment on the fact that the baby’s astrological birth chart will “never be accurate.”
After some time had passed, the Associated Press reported that, to everyone’s relief, a family practitioner by the name of Dr. Dale Glenn and a group of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurses from North Kansas City Hospital were present to assist in the delivery of the Mounga’s child.
In a press statement issued by Hawaii Pacific Health, Dr. Glenn was quoted as saying, “About midway through the flight, there was an emergency call.” Dr. Glenn said, “I’ve seen this before, and usually they’re fairly clear asking whether there is a doctor on board. This call was not like this, and it was fairly urgent.”
Due to a lack of specialized equipment, the physician and the nurses had to work together as a team to deliver the premature baby, who was only 29 weeks old at the time of birth. In order to cut and tie the umbilical cord, they used shoelaces and a smartwatch to measure the baby’s heart rate. “It’s not easy for any of us to get anything done in this cramped cabin because the space is so restricted. But we’re determined to make it work. But overall, the teamwork was fantastic “Dr. Glenn stated.
After the plane had touched down, Mounga and her newborn were rushed to the emergency room, and from there, the infant was sent to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Glenn claims that “both the baby and the mother are doing wonderfully.” According to the press release, the nurses even got the opportunity to meet Mounga and her newborn boy during their visit, and the new mother referred to the nurses as “aunties” for her son.
Mounga, who recently became a mother for the first time, described the experience as “extremely overwhelming.” She continued by saying, “I’m just very lucky that there were three NICU nurses and a doctor on the plane to aid me, help stabilize him, and make sure that he was okay for the flight.”
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