Criticism Towards Medic for ‘Outdated’ Parenting Style After Stabbing in China

January 3, 2024

The assault resulted in significant nerve damage, casting doubt on his ability to conduct intricate eye surgeries in the future.

Nevertheless, Tao persisted in advancing the field of medicine through academic and technological endeavors, garnering widespread acclaim for his contributions.

However, the situation took a turn on December 23 when he penned a detailed post on Weibo recounting his daily interactions with his 12-year-old daughter and his overall parenting philosophy.


Tao Yong, pictured above, has faced backlash online for requiring his daughter to cook and handle chores on her birthday. Photo: Baidu

In the post, he narrated how he instructed his daughter to serve meals to relatives on her birthday and, despite her initial reluctance, persuaded her to engage in dishwashing as part of her development into a “well-mannered lady.”

“During the meal, I tasked my daughter with serving the elderly, preparing roast duck rolls for her uncle and aunt, and cutting vegetables for her mother,” Tao recounted.

“She dutifully carried out these responsibilities. However, when it came to washing dishes, the family expressed resistance. Eventually, I managed to convince her through various persuasive techniques and logical reasoning,” he elaborated.

Concluding his post with a poignant statement, Tao remarked, “At the pivotal moment where a child’s character could veer towards negativity or positivity, I, as a father, cannot afford to be negligent.”

The post triggered a wave of online criticism, with many condemning Tao for imposing outdated, male-dominated values on his daughter.

One online critic expressed, “Why should anyone be expected to serve and wash dishes on their birthday? There are 365 days a year to impart life lessons to a child. Why specifically choose their birthday for such teachings?

“If someone compelled me to wash dishes on my birthday, I would retaliate by smashing the cake over their head. While he may excel as a doctor, his approach to fatherhood appears excessively traditional.”

Some individuals even accused him of “molding a personal female servant for an undisclosed individual.”

The situation escalated when a prominent opinion leader (KOL) came to his defense on Weibo.

Renowned ophthalmologist “Superman” Lao Liang, boasting over 3.3 million followers on the platform, disclosed her past connection with Tao as a junior schoolmate.

She commended Tao’s support of female doctoral candidates, suggesting that he is not a rigid patriarch but rather values and treats women with equality.

“As an atheist, he even prayed for our marital fortunes at temples and consistently introduced potential partners to us. During moments of research setbacks when we shed tears in his office, he would suggest, ‘Why not consider marriage instead? Why endure the challenges of pursuing a Ph.D.?’” Lao recounted.

However, her defense only added fuel to the controversy.

One individual queried, “Are you truly defending him or exacerbating the situation? An atheist seeking marital blessings at temples? Is this narrative penned by a medical professional? Quite amusing.”


In response to the backlash, Tao expressed gratitude for the feedback from his critics and pledged to “enhance” his parenting techniques. Photo: Shutterstock

“Why not just get married instead?’ In Hong Kong TV series, this would be considered offensive, yet you interpret it as comforting,” another individual remarked.

Subsequently, Tao removed his initial Weibo post and issued a statement on December 26.

He acknowledged that he is still in the process of refining his parenting style and expressed deep appreciation for the online advice he had received.

Tao affirmed his commitment to making necessary adjustments and continuously striving for improvement.

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