Monstrous In-Laws Tormenting Terminally Ill Daughter-in-Law Spark Outrage on Reddit

January 5, 2024

We deeply empathize with the challenges faced by families on Reddit dealing with issues following the loss of a loved one. It is our hope that during such difficult times, families can unite to provide the support they all require. However, navigating through grief and discord can often be a complex and arduous journey. Recently, on the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit, a poignant family saga unfolded surrounding a tragic demise—a situation exacerbated by longstanding underlying tensions.

The individual who initially shared the post (referred to as the “OP”) disclosed being married to Amy for six years, with three children aged between 6 and 10. Regrettably, two years ago, Amy succumbed to cancer after being informed of its terminal nature eight months prior. The OP narrated, “I assisted in Amy’s care at home alongside her family (comprising her mother, four siblings, and even her grandparents) before her passing. Her demise seemed tranquil. Nevertheless, Amy’s twin, Ivy, recently unearthed distressing revelations indicating that my parents had subjected Amy to undue pressure during her final days.”

It’s a harrowing and despicable account, prompting the OP to question, “AITA for condemning my parents for their actions and elucidating the rationale to their acquaintances after discovering they had coerced my late wife into penning letters to our children before her demise?”

Per Amy’s diary entries, her in-laws had coerced her into drafting letters instructing their children to “pledge to accept [another mother in the near future] with open hearts and minds” and not perceive their father’s subsequent spouse as a stepmother but as a mother.

“They also demanded that she prompt the children to request a new mother from me shortly after her passing, portraying it as her dying wish,” the OP disclosed. “She supposedly had to convey this message and more.”

Amy refuted complying with these demands, affirming that while she had indeed written letters and recorded videos, the content did not align with the in-laws’ instructions. Ultimately, it was Amy who retained autonomy over her expressions—no one else dictated her words.

“My parents incessantly badgered her whenever she was alone during their visits,” the OP elaborated. “In her final days, they exacerbated her distress. As per the diary, my parents branded Amy a neglectful mother and a self-centered individual for not advocating for my remarriage and the children’s acquisition of a new maternal figure post her passing.”

Doesn’t this narrative evoke a sense of outrage? The sheer audacity and insensitivity displayed are utterly appalling!

  • ## OP’s Outrage

Upon perusing the diary entries, the OP was consumed by fury, especially since his parents, despite his objections, had been advocating for his romantic pursuits and “exploration of remarriage.”

“They insisted it was in accordance with Amy’s wishes,” the OP lamented, much to the collective consternation of readers. “In the final months, they even insinuated that my children would grow up motherless.”

  • ## Pause for Reflection

Before proceeding, Redditors emphasized that the OP is under no obligation to pursue romantic relationships if he so chooses. If he does decide to embark on that path, it should be on his terms and timeline.

“It’s perfectly acceptable to opt not to seek another partner if you’re not inclined to. And if you do, it should be when you feel ready, not under duress.”

“Each individual progresses at their own pace. There’s no universal timeline.”

“My cousin’s widow waited 17 years. Conversely, my friend’s husband remarried after just one year. Everyone’s journey is unique. The parents’ conduct in this scenario is deplorable.”

Understood? Let’s proceed with the narrative.

  • ## The Confrontation

The OP messaged his parents, instructing them to maintain a distance from him and the children upon learning the truth. In a brazen display of audacity, they retorted, absolving themselves of any wrongdoing and expressing no remorse for their actions aimed at enhancing their son and grandchildren’s lives. Eye roll.

“That was the tipping point. I drove to their residence to confront them directly, expressing my repulsion at their behavior of tormenting a dying woman, harassing my wife, and exacerbating her final moments,” the OP recounted. “I denounced their actions as sickening.”

Unbeknownst to the OP initially, his parents had visitors over who overheard the confrontation. Awkward! Subsequently, when they emerged, he made a swift exit.

“My parents attempted to justify their behavior via text, insinuating that my ire should be directed at Amy rather than them,” he shared. And once again, we exclaim, “WTAF? Angry at Amy?!”

They contended that he had no right to “humiliate” them before their guests, with even the OP’s siblings opining that he should have kept silent.

“When I questioned whether they would have treated me similarly had I been in Amy’s stead, they couldn’t deny that their conduct would have differed had I been the one in Amy’s position.”

So, dear readers, who, in Reddit’s collective judgment, is deemed the a—hole?

  • ## Reddit’s Verdict

Reddit unequivocally castigates these meddling, manipulative, and monstrous in-laws, leaving no room for ambiguity.

“The fact that your parents emotionally tortured and abused your dying wife speaks volumes about their emotional depravity… Their lack of remorse, coupled with their staunch defense of their reprehensible actions, is telling… Allowing these detestable individuals to interact with your children would effectively condone their monstrous behavior. I see no path to redemption from this borderline criminal behavior they inflicted upon your family. Personally, I would sever ties permanently. They are not, and will never be, trustworthy individuals.”

“Why subject a dying person to such torment is beyond comprehension. ‘Monstrous’ falls short in describing their behavior.”

“Not only did your parents manipulate your dying spouse, but they also entangled your children in this web of deceit… If I were in your shoes, I would safeguard the kids and walk away for good. Their actions are unforgivable.”

“OP, unquestionably NTA. However, allowing them access to your children might perpetuate the cycle of toxicity.”

“Maintaining any form of contact would be unwise. They would undoubtedly inflict emotional distress on your children concerning the absence of a mother figure.”

And if you’re pondering why this revelation surfaced belatedly and why Amy chose to remain silent, Redditors posit that it was a final act of love towards her husband.

“Your wife likely shielded you from this truth out of love. It was a burden she spared you from carrying.”

“This act was a testament to her love for you. She shielded you from the monstrous nature of your parents.”

Regrettably for these parents, their malevolent actions are now laid bare for the OP, their social circle, and the online community to witness. It seems fitting to concur—they deserve the exposure!

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