Excitement Grows Among Parents for the Latest ‘Sittervising’ Craze

January 17, 2024
  • ‘Sittervising,’ a term popularized by child development expert Susie Allison, is gaining traction among parents as a new parenting trend
  • Allison, a former teacher and mother of three, discussed the benefits of this technique on her blog
  • Videos have surfaced showing Allison sitting in a lawn chair while her children engage in independent play

The concept of ‘sittervising’ entails parents supervising their children from a seated position, as opposed to actively engaging with them at all times, a practice that has sparked mixed reactions.

Susie Allison, renowned for her work as a former teacher, author, and mother, introduced the term in a blog post on Busy Toddler titled ‘Why you’ll find me sittervising.’

With a substantial Instagram following exceeding 2.2 million, the Seattle-based influencer emphasized that ‘sittervising’ involves observing children’s play from a reasonable distance rather than constantly intervening.

This approach stands in contrast to helicopter parenting and is believed to foster better childhood development, as per Allison’s insights.

‘The core principle of sittervising is to allow children to engage in play or activities without direct adult interference, as children benefit from independent play experiences,’ she elaborated.

Research cited by Allison suggests that children who play independently or with peers develop crucial skills such as problem-solving, risk assessment, and collaboration.

Moreover, ‘sittervising’ offers a reprieve for busy parents, affording them moments of relaxation and potentially averting burnout.

While Allison acknowledged the importance of occasional parental involvement in a child’s play, she stressed the significance of maintaining a healthy balance.

The expert recommended initiating ‘sittervising’ from infancy, illustrating this with an example of observing a baby on a play mat fixated on a dangling toy.

Encouraging parents to gradually embrace this approach, Allison highlighted the benefits of allowing children space for self-entertainment.

In practice, Allison exemplifies her advocacy by sharing videos of herself unwinding in a lawn chair while her children engage in playtime.

Enthusiasts of ‘sittervising’ have taken to platforms like TikTok to showcase how this technique enables children to stay occupied independently, granting parents some personal time.

One parent, Mollie (@mommabearmission_), described using ‘sittervising’ during summer to keep her children mentally engaged while she takes a moment to reset.

Conversely, not all individuals are receptive to the term, with some arguing that this approach is not novel and has been instinctively practiced by previous generations.

Samantha Rodman, a therapist known as Dr. Psych Mom, expressed skepticism towards ‘sittervising,’ dismissing it as unnecessary and emphasizing that parents should feel entitled to sit down without it being labeled as a trend.

Ultimately, the discourse around ‘sittervising’ underscores differing perspectives on parenting styles and the evolving dynamics of child-rearing practices.


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