Interview with Dr. Amy Emerson: Embracing Hope in Parenting

January 24, 2024

Having optimism plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. This foundational aspect is supported by scientific research, which highlights it as one of the most reliable indicators of overall well-being throughout an individual’s life. So, how can people nurture and cultivate optimism for themselves and their families? This is where the local non-profit organization Hope-Driven Parenting comes into play. Dr. Amy Emerson leads Hope-Driven Parenting, a group that offers assistance, education, and encouragement to anyone navigating the challenges of parenthood. Drawing from her experience as a pediatrician, Dr. Emerson has witnessed firsthand the profound impact and scientific basis of optimism in helping individuals and families prosper. She shares insights on the significance of optimism, the science behind it, and strategies to combat factors that diminish hope.

Furthermore, Dr. Emerson details the inaugural Hope-Driven Parenting Summit scheduled to take place in Tulsa on March 2, 2024. This event is free of charge and welcomes the public, with a childcare subsidy available.

TK: What Does Hope-Driven Parenting Entail?

Dr. Emerson: Hope-Driven Parenting is a program crafted to empower parents and caregivers in nurturing resilient children who will grow into healthy adults. Grounded in the principles of hope, this initiative comprises workshops, social media content, lectures, and various resources. Hope-Driven Parenting, the latest addition to the offerings of Hope Rising Oklahoma, was developed in response to the growing interest in hope science and the transformative potential of a hope-centered mindset. For years, Hope Rising Oklahoma has been organizing summits across the state, and our program complements the existing Hope-Driven Coaching program.

TK: What is the Mission of the Organization and How Does it Benefit Residents of Tulsa and Oklahoma?

Dr. Emerson: Our mission is to assist anyone on their parenting journey, commencing right here in Tulsa but with resources that are accessible to individuals everywhere, at any time. Many parents and caregivers encounter moments of overwhelming challenges and seek support. At times, it may seem daunting to fulfill the vital role of nurturing children to become compassionate, responsible adults who thrive. To every parent in Oklahoma, we want to convey the message: “You are capable of this task! While resources are beneficial, and support is essential, you can take steps from your current position to enhance your parenting skills, and we are here to guide you on this path.”

TK: Why is this Cause Particularly Meaningful to You?

Dr. Emerson: Firstly, as a mother of four distinct children, each with unique traits, I acknowledge that despite having various tools at my disposal, motherhood remains the most challenging yet fulfilling “occupation” I have. Secondly, my specialization as a pediatrician focusing on normal childhood development and brain maturation enables me to view matters through a scientific lens, allowing me to appreciate the potency of hope science. Lastly, through my involvement in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, as well as my general interactions with families, I have observed unprecedented levels of distress within families. Given the collective trauma experienced in recent years and the generational trauma ingrained in Oklahomans, we are amidst a crisis. Despite these adversities, we can commit to the demanding task of nurturing resilient children who can overcome adversity.

TK: Why is Maintaining Optimism Essential?

Dr. Emerson: With over 2,000 studies underscoring the significance of HOPE as a major determinant of well-being for individuals of all ages, it is evident that envisioning a future superior to the past and acknowledging one’s capacity to actualize this vision leads to positive outcomes in various facets of life. Research indicates that individuals facing significant health challenges exhibit better outcomes, students are more likely to graduate and excel in higher education, and athletes are more inclined to achieve at elevated levels—all attributed to their sense of optimism. Particularly exciting, from a medical perspective, is the collective impact of hope within our community, which can support individuals facing extraordinary difficulties. Robust support systems such as families, educational institutions, faith-based communities, and others play a pivotal role in uplifting all children to lead more fulfilling lives.

TK: What Insights Can You Share About the Science of Optimism?

Dr. Emerson: The science of hope comprises three primary elements. Firstly, goal setting, a common practice, becomes challenging in the absence of hope, hindering individuals from envisioning a brighter future. Secondly, pathways represent the strategies employed to pursue a goal and navigate obstacles. The third element is willpower, denoting the determination to progress towards one’s objectives. Individuals with low levels of hope often lack one or more of these components. By assessing their hope score, individuals can identify areas necessitating additional support. Those with higher levels of hope tend to report a heightened sense of well-being.

Frequently, as parents, we overlook the importance of defining our objectives. Caught in a perpetual cycle of stress, we lack a clear focus, resulting in chaos and frustration. While some individuals excel in goal identification, the absence of effective strategies to achieve these goals can lead to disappointment or overwhelm. Others, despite possessing goal-oriented focus, may feel helpless or despondent due to the absence of viable pathways towards their goals. Hope science demonstrates that every individual can enhance their hopefulness by establishing and attaining feasible goals, propelling them towards loftier aspirations and a brighter future.

TK: Can You Provide an Example of Hope Rising’s Impact and the Positive Changes Witnessed?

Dr. Emerson: A compelling instance involves aiding a mother in recognizing how her childhood trauma was impeding her parenting journey. Her objective was to reduce instances of yelling at her children and respond predictably during stressful moments. By outlining small, achievable daily goals and identifying pathways to accomplish them, she began experiencing incremental successes, bolstering her confidence to engage with other mothers in her school community for mutual support. This alleviated her emotional burden and surrounded her with a supportive community, enabling her to seek therapy. This journey towards vulnerability demanded intentional effort, resulting in her and her children thriving, while she now assists other mothers in overcoming their obstacles.

TK: What Are Common Sources of Hope Erosion? How Can Parents Overcome Them?

Dr. Emerson: Any factor draining our mental stamina can serve as a hope deterrent! Sustaining optimism demands willpower, which wanes when we are mentally and physically fatigued. One such hope thief is overcommitting our families to activities, leading to mental and physical exhaustion. Society often pressures parents to enroll children in numerous activities, although studies advocate for more opportunities for unstructured play and activities fostering parental bonds. Opting for occasional playtime at a local park and prioritizing nightly family dinners over the rigors of organized sports may align better with your family’s objectives.

Excessive unstructured screen time is another culprit stealing hope. Research indicates that prolonged social media scrolling heightens anxiety levels, depleting mental energy. The CDC reports that children aged 8-18 spend over seven hours daily in front of screens, on average (excluding school screen time). This diminishes physical activity, opportunities for outdoor play with peers, and time dedicated to building relationships and honing conflict resolution skills within the family. By delineating our goals, we discern activities and pathways conducive to our objectives…and those leading us astray.

TK: Shed Light on the Upcoming Parenting Summit in March.

Dr. Emerson: We are thrilled to announce the inaugural Hope-Driven Parenting Summit scheduled for March 2 in Tulsa, running from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with childcare assistance provided. Drs. Chan Hellman and Angela Pharris will join me as speakers. Parents, foster parents, grandparents, and early childcare professionals are all invited to participate. Our aim is to introduce the Science of Hope, furnish practical tools and tips for immediate implementation, and acquaint parents with numerous hope-building community resources at their disposal. For those interested in being featured, feel free to reach out via email at [email protected] for additional information.

TK: Additional Insights to Share?

Dr. Emerson: A simple yet effective method to nurture hope and foster familial bonds is through shared reading. Our colleagues Jessica Hogaboom and Scott Pennington at Union Public Schools have curated a remarkable selection of book recommendations illustrating hope concepts. These books are readily available for borrowing from the TCCL library or can be enjoyed together on YouTube.

Cultivating hope within your family is an achievable endeavor. Individuals of all ages can elevate their hope levels, subsequently radiating hope to others.

Dr. Hellman and Dr. Emerson are preparing to launch a Hope-Driven Parenting podcast, offering insights into the science of hope and its practical applications across various life domains.

Sharing Passion and Purpose: For a comprehensive interview with Dr. Emerson and valuable strategies to cultivate gratitude and enhance hope, tune in to the podcast at

Hope-Driven Parenting Summit

Saturday, March 2

To register for this FREE event, visit or follow us on social media (@HopeDrivenParenting) for further details and registration.

Explore Hope-Driven Parenting online at;

Facebook and Instagram: @HopeDrivenParenting; @HopeRisingOklahoma; @HopeDrivenCoaching

Nancy Moore Headshot

Nancy A. Moore serves as a Public Relations Coordinator at Montreau, an Adjunct Professor at Tulsa Community College, and has been a contributing writer for TulsaKids for nearly two decades.

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