Teen Son’s Food Cart Venture: Unforeseen Setbacks and Lessons Learned

January 26, 2024

Dear Care and Feeding,

My brother “Stephen” is a moderately successful entrepreneur who owns five food carts and is considering expanding to a sixth. While he may not be among the city’s major tycoons, he is quite prosperous. My 14-year-old son, “Lew,” has always admired his uncle and harbored a passion for cooking from a young age. As summer drew to a close, Lew and his uncle struck a deal. One of Stephen’s employees sought to reduce hours, creating an opportunity for Lew to manage one of the carts for two to three hours on weekdays after school and six hours on either Saturday or Sunday. They agreed to split the rental and supply expenses, with Lew retaining the profits from his sales during these shifts. Stephen reassured us that any potential losses would be forgiven, ensuring compliance with child labor laws in our state.

To our surprise, Lew’s venture has proven lucrative, with an average weekly profit of around $800. Although there has been a slight decline in earnings during the winter months, he continues to excel. His performance even surpasses that of Stephen’s other employees, prompting my brother to investigate the factors contributing to Lew’s success for potential implementation across his other carts. While we initially viewed this as a valuable learning experience and a means for Lew to explore his culinary interests, it has evolved into a significant part-time job yielding substantial income.

This newfound financial independence has sparked disagreements regarding the allocation of funds. Upon realizing the extent of Lew’s earnings, my wife and I intervened, advising him to allocate a portion towards further education and savings, while reserving 25 percent for personal expenses. However, Lew desires greater financial freedom and resents the imposed restrictions. He also wishes to manage his taxes independently this year, even offering to reimburse any additional expenses incurred if we file jointly and claim him as a dependent. Despite his insistence, I am hesitant to grant him full autonomy, given his imprudent spending tendencies. How can I navigate this situation without straining our relationship?

—Challenges with a Successful Teen

Dear Teen Challenges,

It’s entirely normal for a 14-year-old to find substantial earnings exhilarating, and it’s common for adolescents to resist parental guidance on financial matters. While Lew’s entrepreneurial success is commendable, it’s crucial to instill responsible money management habits early on. Setting aside a portion for education, savings, and personal use is a prudent approach, fostering financial literacy and planning for the future.

Encourage Lew to appreciate the value of saving and prudent spending, especially considering the fluctuating nature of his current venture. While his desire for financial independence is understandable, emphasize the importance of long-term financial security and the benefits of prudent financial planning. Should he express specific goals or reasons for accessing his savings, such as funding a special trip or a future purchase, engage in constructive dialogue to assess the feasibility and significance of such endeavors.

In navigating this delicate balance, consider enlisting external support, such as a financial advisor or accountant, to provide objective insights and guidance on managing his growing income. Their expertise can offer valuable perspectives and enhance Lew’s understanding of financial planning beyond parental directives. By fostering open communication and collaborative decision-making, you can guide Lew towards responsible financial habits while nurturing a positive parent-child relationship.

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Dear Care and Feeding,

I am grappling with a challenging situation involving my mother-in-law since announcing my pregnancy with our twins, who are now 10 months old. Despite her initial eagerness to assist with childcare, her recent responses to my requests for help have been disheartening. Amidst the twins’ teething woes and disrupted sleep patterns, I reached out to her seeking support, only to be met with reluctance to offer extended assistance. Her dismissive attitude towards my need for respite and rest left me feeling unsupported and dejected.

Conversely, when my husband intervened, arranging for her to relieve me during his absence for work, she displayed a contrasting willingness to assist. However, her subsequent remarks questioning the necessity of my seeking rest and implying that maternal exhaustion is inconsequential were hurtful. Feeling invalidated and unappreciated, I opted to decline her assistance, further straining our already tenuous relationship.

As my husband plans to address this issue upon her return, I seek guidance on navigating this conversation constructively. How can we communicate our concerns effectively and foster a supportive dynamic moving forward?

—Seeking Maternal Support

Dear Seeking Support,

The different ways your mother-in-law responded to your calls for help show how important it is to talk to each other in an open and honest way to get to the bottom of problems and build trust. Express your feelings candidly and constructively, emphasizing the importance of support and empathy during challenging moments. Articulate the impact of her dismissive remarks on your well-being and the significance of acknowledging and validating maternal struggles.

Encourage your husband to approach the conversation with sensitivity and clarity, outlining the specific instances that prompted concern and emphasizing the need for a supportive and understanding relationship. You can set the stage for better communication and a more peaceful environment in the future by starting a conversation based on sensitivity and mutual respect.


Dear Care and Feeding,

Navigating the complexities of familial relationships and balancing time between your respective families can be challenging. While you and your partner share a preference for visiting your family due to the warm reception and enjoyable experiences, it’s essential to address the guilt associated with perceived obligations towards his family.

Recognize that prioritizing visits to your family does not diminish the value of maintaining connections with his relatives. Acknowledge the unique dynamics and challenges inherent in each family setting, and communicate openly with your partner about your feelings and preferences. Establish a mutually agreeable visitation schedule that accounts for both families while ensuring that your time and resources are distributed equitably.

Consider exploring alternative approaches to engaging with his family, such as suggesting joint activities or excursions that foster meaningful interactions and create lasting memories. Encourage open dialogue with your partner to address any concerns or tensions surrounding family visits, fostering understanding and cooperation in navigating familial relationships.


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