Does anyone ever feel like they truly have the whole parenting journey figured out? What may be effective for your first child may not necessarily work for your second. The strategies that proved successful during the early stages of toddlerhood for your third child might require adjustments as they progress into grade school. Parenting often feels like an improvisation, balancing between navigating uncharted waters and providing the necessary stability for our children to thrive. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that a therapist who is also a mother garnered significant attention online when she shared her family’s shift towards a relatively hands-off approach known as “low-demand parenting,” resulting in a remarkable transformation in their household dynamic.
Therapist Gretchen Winterkorn revealed, “We’ve transitioned to this concept of low-demand parenting, which is a significant departure from our previous approach. We recently introduced Amazon Fire iPads to our kids for the first time… Our son now has extended screen time throughout the day. We are refraining from enforcing strict routines like mandatory dinner table gatherings. There are various adjustments we are making.” This shift in parenting methodology was inspired by Winterkorn’s son, who exhibits signs of a condition related to autism known as pathological demand avoidance (PDA). Surprisingly, embracing low-demand parenting has yielded positive outcomes for every member of their household.
Although the adoption of this new parenting style has pushed Winterkorn and her spouse beyond their comfort zone, she candidly admits, “It feels uncomfortable because, at this moment, if you were to observe my son, I might appear as a negligent parent. He’s having ice cream at 8:30 a.m., engrossed in his iPad without getting ready. It makes you question your choices.” However, through this process, they have come to realize that this shift is not about performing parenthood for others; it is a tailored approach for their son’s well-being. Winterkorn acknowledges, “And surprisingly, it benefits all of us. I must say, the overall stress levels in our home have significantly decreased.”
Understanding Low-Demand Parenting:
As per Neurodivergent Insights, low-demand parenting embodies a “low arousal” strategy towards parenting. It revolves around trust, adaptability, cooperation, and a balanced approach to expectations. This method focuses on adjusting the environment and activities to align with the child’s individual needs and preferences, allowing the child to take the lead in their play and engagements.
While any family can explore the low-demand parenting approach, it particularly resonates with children experiencing PDA, where being instructed to do something often triggers a fight-or-flight response, leading to outbursts, breakdowns, or a complete shutdown to evade the demand.
Illustrative Instances of Low-Demand Parenting:
Implementing low-demand parenting does not entail a complete overhaul of your child’s responsibilities but rather a shift in how these responsibilities are communicated. It could be as simple as asking, “Would you mind feeding Penny Lane?” instead of dictating, “You have to feed the cat.” When setting expectations or assigning tasks to your child, emphasizing the manner in which you present these requests is crucial. Neurodivergent Insights recommends:
- Mindful selection of language, phrasing, and tone.
- Embracing a collaborative approach.
- Monitoring your demeanor and energy levels.
- Seeking assistance or framing requests as “favors,” creating an illusion of choice even when the outcome is predetermined.
This strategy closely mirrors our everyday interactions. How often have you approached your partner with a request like, “When you have a moment, could you change the cat litter?” Both parties understand the underlying expectation, yet the delivery is more amicable compared to a demanding tone.
Distinguishing Low-Demand from Permissive Parenting:
Many parents might associate increased screen time, relaxed rules, or a shift away from traditional family rituals like structured dinners with permissive parenting. The key disparity lies in the maintenance of clear boundaries and expectations with low-demand parenting, as opposed to permissive parenting, which often lacks defined limits or guidelines. While low-demand parenting adapts to accommodate a child’s capabilities peacefully, permissive parenting disregards boundaries altogether.
Parental Perspectives on Low-Demand Parenting:
Feedback from parents who have embraced low-demand parenting indicates a positive reception, particularly among families with neurodivergent children who seem to benefit the most from this approach. One mother expressed her relief, stating, “Low-demand parenting has been a game-changer for my neurodivergent homeschoolers. It has shielded my children from judgment and stereotypes.” Another parent highlighted the child-centric nature of low-demand parenting, emphasizing its significance.
Undoubtedly, just as every child is unique, so is every parent. Several comments underscored the importance of ensuring that the low-demand approach genuinely serves the child’s best interests, placing the responsibility on parents to navigate this method thoughtfully.