Manifesting Parenting: Would You Just Leave Already?

February 3, 2024

Is anyone experiencing any success with the concept of manifesting? Has it yielded results? Because, frankly, after contemplating it, I am inclined to believe it may not be suitable for us.

Manifesting involves the practice of concentrating on a desire, visualizing it, and manifesting it into reality. You can envision your ideal life, make extravagant requests to the universe, and simply trust that it will all come to fruition. And then, like magic, your dream life appears!

To achieve this, you must connect with higher frequencies. Aim high, without a doubt. It requires persistent contemplation in various states of awareness—while falling asleep, waking up, throughout the day, and even during meditation. You must whisper it, affirm it, shout it out, create a vision board, and place it near your bed so it greets you each morning.

This concept is not novel; it has been prevalent for many years but gained significant traction after the mainstream success of The Secret. The surge in popularity, coinciding with social media influencers promoting manifestation through likes and subscriptions, may seem coincidental, yet these trends are entirely independent.

And if your desires are not fulfilled, the reasoning may vary—you may not have articulated your request correctly, or sufficiently, or at the opportune moments. Perhaps celestial alignments were not favorable, or it might not be the right time for you. It can indeed be perplexing.

Embracing the Practice

In December 2019, I decided to give it a shot. After struggling to purchase a house for an extended period, I felt I had nothing to lose. Admittedly, I did not create a vision board at that time; I feel it’s essential to disclose that for transparency’s sake. Given that we were residing with my parents then, I would have found it too embarrassing. You know how it is.

I timidly conveyed my wishes to the universe during my daily commute, despite feeling utterly embarrassed to do so. I dedicated considerable time to contemplating it, even making it my New Year’s midnight wish! I gave it my all.

I yearned for it intensely and sensed its proximity. However, the subsequent four years have been quite the rollercoaster. The universe responded with a resounding ‘no’ and has been relentless. Amid the housing market collapse, economic turmoil, and the aftermath of the pandemic, the term ‘unprecedented’ has never been so overused.

Persevering Forward

Refusing to learn from past experiences, I made another attempt in 2023. My fervent desire was to become a runner—a person who casually completes 5k runs once or twice weekly and seamlessly integrates this fact into every conversation. I naively believed I could embark on this journey at the age of 38, devoid of prior experience or fitness level, which turned out to be a humbling realization. It became evident that building stamina necessitates months of conditioning.

Hence, I commenced modestly, with brief half-kilometer runs two to three times weekly, gradually progressing from there. It proved to be a challenging endeavor! I channeled all my energy and focus into these runs, envisioning the future I aspired to achieve.

By September, I successfully completed a 10k run for the first time, which filled me with immense pride. Subsequently, I enrolled in a charity run organized by my workplace, aiming to cover 100km throughout October. I vocalized my aspirations extensively, yet once again, the universe swiftly intervened, this time with an unexpected setback—a minor slip on a muddy patch during my final run of the event.

As a result, I reached 98km in October, a twist of fate that one could not orchestrate. Just as I was about to finish, a trivial misstep led to a cascade of injuries—ligament strains, tendon issues, avulsions, bone contusions, fractures; terms I am now acquainted with against my will.

Three months later, I still grapple with mobility issues, particularly when navigating stairs or walking for extended periods. Each medical professional I consulted reiterated that it was a ‘freak accident,’ an uncommon injury, and that I was exceptionally unlucky.

Unprecedented circumstances indeed…

Consequently, I harbor doubts regarding the compatibility of Irish culture with the practice of manifesting. It appears that openly expressing desires and wishes does not align with our historical relationship with the universe. Not long ago, Irish folklore depicted faeries as mischievous beings who eavesdropped on conversations, engaging in antics like child abduction or livestock mutilation.

In the past, individuals refrained from vocalizing positive sentiments, concealing their desires deep within to avert any malevolent consequences. They took precautionary measures to obscure not only their possessions but also their aspirations. For instance, dressing boys in girls’ attire was a tactic to confuse faeries and reduce the likelihood of abduction.

They refrained from soliciting the universe for their desires or articulating them aloud, a stark contrast to the contemporary manifestation practices. This cultural mindset persisted relatively recently; even Ireland’s first president, Douglas Hyde, and renowned poet WB Yeats harbored beliefs in faeries.

Should we now disregard this historical caution and entrust the universe to fulfill our wishes without inviting calamity? Must we reconcile with the faeries and progress? To clarify, am I implying that faeries caused my ankle injury and the housing market crash? Not explicitly, but I wouldn’t mind having that printed on a T-shirt. I find the idea rather appealing.

My stance on manifesting currently oscillates between FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and FOFR (Fear of Faery Retribution). Moving forward, I will observe others’ experiences from a safe distance.

Margaret, a busy mother of two, resides and works in Kildare.

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