Understanding Authoritarian Parenting: Effects, Triggers, and Signs

February 11, 2024

Thomas, a young individual, embarked on his journey with a profound sense of curiosity and wonder towards the world around him, as well as a quest to explore his own identity—his preferences, emotions, and, most importantly, his unique essence.

Regrettably, his parents, perhaps unwittingly, seemed determined to suppress, if not extinguish, his spirit. They offered minimal support for his emotional and intellectual growth, imposing rules and structure with little regard for his thoughts or feelings. By dictating his emotions, thoughts, and actions, they failed to nurture his creative spark and hindered his inclination towards inquiry and experimentation.

Their absence in providing genuine emotional support left Thomas feeling unheard and isolated. Their lack of guidance in promoting self-reflection and critical thinking deprived him of essential skills for problem-solving, resulting in emotional distress and a sense of disconnection.

Due to various factors such as their own emotional struggles, financial pressures, and relationship conflicts, coupled with their upbringing, Thomas’ parents were unable to provide the necessary emotional and cognitive nurturing crucial for his development. While they fulfilled basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter, their emotional unavailability left a significant void. As a result, Thomas grappled with profound emotional pain and a deep sense of alienation.

Sadly, many individuals have experienced similar authoritarian parenting styles, characterized by a lack of emotional support and an emphasis on control. This parenting approach, first categorized by Diana Baumrind in the 1960s, contrasts starkly with authoritative and permissive parenting styles. The neglectful style was later identified in the 1980s by Maccoby and Martin.

In contrast to authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting strikes a balance between structure and independence. While setting clear behavioral expectations, it also fosters emotional support, nurturing healthy bonds and trust. This approach allows children to learn from their mistakes without fear of judgment and encourages their autonomy, leading to overall flourishing.

Conversely, permissive parenting entails minimal structure and allows children unchecked freedom, often blurring the lines between parent and friend. Neglectful parenting reflects a lack of responsiveness to children’s needs, with parents showing indifference or neglect.

Consequences of Authoritarian Parenting

Comparative studies on parenting styles reveal that both permissive and neglectful parenting contribute to heightened child aggression, with authoritarian parenting displaying the strongest correlation (Muhammad, Rathi, Baroi, et al., 2022). Moreover, when coupled with derisive parenting behaviors, authoritarian parenting escalates adolescent dysregulated anger, fueling tendencies towards bullying and victimization (Dickson, Laursen, Valdes, et al., 2019).

In the comparison between authoritative and authoritarian parenting, children of parents exhibiting negative demanding behaviors may exhibit lower emotional intelligence (Rekha, 2020). Deficiencies in emotional intelligence can predispose children to impulsivity, anger, and aggression.

Studies have linked authoritarian parenting to increased juvenile delinquency (Amran, M. and Basri, N., 2020). The emphasis on control in authoritarian parenting can lead to internal conflicts, reduced communication, and diminished trust within parent-child relationships. Research involving 1,320 adults indicated that authoritarian parenting styles were associated with deteriorating mental health outcomes, including symptomatic issues, self-harm risks, impaired life functioning, and compromised psychological well-being (Uji, Sakamoto, Adachi, et al., 2014).

Key Factors Influencing Authoritarian Parenting

Attribution of Hostile Intent

Parents adopting an authoritarian approach tend to attribute hostile intentions to their children, often resorting to harsh disciplinary actions like yelling and physical punishment (Crouch, Irwin, Milner, et al., 2017).

Emotional Regulation Challenges

Authoritarian parenting is linked to parental difficulties in emotional regulation, leading to emotional dysregulation in both parents and adolescents within the family dynamic (Shaw and Starr, 2019).


Studies indicate that authoritarian parenting is closely associated with externalizing behavioral problems in children, as they struggle to assert their autonomy and agency (Ruiz-Hernandez, Moral-Zafra, Llor-Esteban, et al., 2019).

Socio-Economic Influence

Economically disadvantaged parents are more inclined to employ harsh authoritarian parenting strategies compared to their more affluent counterparts (Schneider and Fontaine, 2022).

Generational Transmission

Children raised by authoritarian parents are more likely to perpetuate authoritarian parenting styles in their own adulthood (Valentino, Nuttall, Comas, et al., 2012), contributing to a cycle of harsh parenting practices.

Personality Traits

Authoritarian parents tend to exhibit lower agreeableness, leading to heightened hostility and conflicts within familial relationships (Huver, Otten, De Vries, et al., 2010).

Moving Towards Authoritative Parenting

Parents practicing authoritarian parenting can transition towards a more authoritative approach by:

  1. Developing an understanding of authoritative parenting and its positive impact on children’s emotional and cognitive well-being.
  2. Cultivating active listening, empathy, and validation of children’s emotions to establish a supportive environment.
  3. Establishing clear household rules and engaging children in discussions to ensure mutual understanding.
  4. Implementing logical consequences aligned with authoritative parenting principles, avoiding punitive measures that erode trust and connection.
  5. Seeking parent education resources, such as books, online materials, or therapy, to enhance parenting skills and foster constructive interactions within the family.

Embracing these guidelines empowers parents to create a nurturing environment where children can thrive, unlike the challenges faced by Thomas in his upbringing.

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