Navigating Politics as Parents: Helping Our Kids Navigate 2024

March 6, 2024

During our upbringing, the conventional wisdom often dictated that certain topics like “religion, politics, and money” were off-limits at the dinner table. However, I challenge this notion. I believe that discussing these subjects, especially religion, politics, and money, should be encouraged frequently. The caveat being that we must be keenly aware that our dialogues, behaviors, emotional responses, and even our deliberate ignorance are all being closely observed and internalized by our children as part of their developmental journey, including their spiritual growth.

As we find ourselves in an election year in America, it would be naive to ignore this fact. Our children are not oblivious to the political climate, regardless of whether we actively engage in political discourse within our family unit. Our stance on political matters and our approach to political discussions inherently contribute to our children’s spiritual education.

In my observation, the majority of parents and caregivers do not perceive their involvement in politics as an opportunity to impart the teachings of Jesus and what it truly means to walk in His ways to their children. However, as Christian parents and caregivers, that is precisely what it represents. It is not merely about raising responsible citizens or ensuring our children align with a particular political ideology. As followers of Christ, every aspect of our lives, including our political interactions, serves as a testament to our identity and our commitment to following Jesus.

Therefore, discussing politics is not only permissible but essential. Nevertheless, prior to engaging in such conversations, it is imperative to seek divine guidance through prayer. We should earnestly beseech God for wisdom and discernment as we navigate political discussions with our children.

At a recent seminar focusing on Generation Alpha, a speaker emphasized that “This generation does not need more knowledge; they need more guides.” Our children are inundated with information from various sources such as social media, peers, television, books, and the internet. While knowledge is abundant, it often lacks depth and wisdom. Hence, our children require us to serve as their mentors, steering them away from a mere accumulation of facts towards the path of wisdom, leading them closer to the heart of Christ.

In 2020, amidst the previous election year, a pastor acquaintance of mine encouraged his social media followers to craft a political rule of life. A rule of life entails a deliberate commitment to living in a specific manner, tailored to align with one’s values and beliefs. It is a conscious approach to existence, aimed at enabling individuals to “live a life worthy of the calling we’ve received” (Ephesians 4:1-6). Inspired by this challenge, I embarked on creating my own political rule of life in 2020, with a focus on how I engage with politics and how I guide my children to do the same. I have shared mine below in the hopes that it may inspire you to undertake a similar introspective journey.

Remember that our reactions, whether positive or negative, and the choices we make as a family greatly influence our children’s development of worldview and religious beliefs. Every moment is an opportunity for discipleship.

While we may not always have the luxury of pausing before responding, this serves as a moment to do precisely that. Before the onslaught of political advertisements, before the battle lines are drawn, and before the prevalent animosity and hostility that often characterize today’s political landscape reach a crescendo, let us take a moment to pause, to pray—and to establish a deliberate commitment to guide our children from mere knowledge to profound wisdom.

As stated in James 3:17, “Wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace-loving, gentle at all times, willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.”

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