How Reducing Pressure on Children Promotes a Happier Lifestyle

February 5, 2024

Are you consistently encouraging your children to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives? Do you urge them to achieve top grades and excel in extracurricular pursuits?

According to a social worker in New York State, it may be time to reassess the impact of constantly pushing your children. Erica Komisar, a clinical social worker, psychoanalyst, and parenting expert from New York, believes that many parents are placing excessive pressure on their children.

This intense pressure is linked to increased levels of anxiety and depression among children, particularly the younger ones. In an interview with Columbia Magazine, Komisar suggested that parents should consider easing off and evaluating their own actions.

Komisar also points out that while parents have the best intentions for their children, they may not have a clear idea of what true success entails. Some parents insist on perfect grades, equating anything less with failure—a perspective that appears unreasonable and unjust.

In today’s highly competitive environment, where everyone seems to be constantly striving for more, Komisar suggests that parents need to take a step back, reflect on their behavior, and ask themselves challenging questions.

What does success mean to the parent? Is it solely defined by academic achievements? Should it not also encompass the child’s emotional well-being? Komisar’s advice to parents is straightforward: prioritize quality time with your children, maintain a non-judgmental attitude, and engage in open and honest conversations.

Reevaluate your definition of success and consider shifting the focus away from grades towards nurturing your child’s overall welfare. Perhaps it is time to ease off, pause, and provide your child with the space they require to develop in their unique way.

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Gallery Credit: Traci Taylor

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