Treatment for School Anxiety in Children

June 1, 2022

The daily drop-off can be difficult for children who don’t like being parted from their parents. If your child has anxiety about going to school, these suggestions can help them through the daycare, preschool, and primary school years.

School is something I despise, says the child. Research shows that it’s a common complaint from children, but it may be a sign of a more serious problem: school anxiety. 2 to 5 percent of school-age children experience this anxiety (ADAA). And the pandemic hasn’t made things any easier. It might be difficult for students to reacclimate to the classroom setting after months of remote study and limited social connections.

Consequently, how can you tell if a call for help from your child is only an attempt to avoid an uncomfortable situation? Find out what causes, and symptoms of school anxiety are, along with ideas on how to make the transition smoother.

Anxiety about the next school year in the daycare

Using games like peek-a-boo to reinforce the idea that you’ll always return when you leave, you can better prepare your youngster for separation anxiety. Small doses of separation, such as a day at Grandma’s house or an aunt’s place, can also be introduced to your child. Because she understands that you will return when you say you will and because she had a pleasant time even when you were away, your child will gradually become more comfortable with spending time away from you.

When it’s time to pick up your child from daycare, say your goodbyes in a way that conveys your love and commitment to returning soon.

To avoid making a child’s departure more difficult, avoid dragging out the process. Avoid leaving the house without saying goodbye to your child, as this could cause them to believe that you are untrustworthy. As an additional precaution, bring some sort of comforting objects like a teddy animal or blanket to the daycare.

Preschoolers’ Fear of Attending School

Take your child on a tour of the preschool a few days before they start. Openly and enthusiastically discuss your child’s forthcoming schedule with them. To ease your child’s transition into the new school year, arrange playdates with some of his or her new classmates prior to the start of classes.

Role-playing exercises can be performed at home as well. While many youngsters are academically prepared for school, they often lack the social confidence to speak up for themselves. Act out social situations that cause children anxiety, such as meeting the teacher for the first time, using puppets, dolls, or stuffed animals.

Your child may benefit from knowing that you will be there for a few minutes on their first day of school just to help them get their bearings. 

Give them something to keep in their pocket that will serve as a reminder of you in case they get down on themselves. To address a significant issue, you may want to speak with the teacher individually. At first, many children are tearful, but they soon get over it.

You can also praise your children for taking great steps toward independence by praising them. Consider rewarding your child with a special outing once they earn a set number of stickers on their chart, such as a sticker for every day they attend school without crying or clinging.

Anxiety for Elementary School Children

To rule out medical issues, always get recurring physical complaints examined by a pediatrician. Children should not be allowed to miss school, even if they are physically healthy. Recognize their fear, but reassure them that they will still have a good time despite their trepidation. Instill confidence in them by reminding them of how well things went when they stayed at Grandma’s for the first time without you.

Another thing to check is whether or whether there are issues at school or home. Find out if your child or teacher was bullied or teased. 

A move, a divorce, the death of a family pet, or some other personal event could be the source of these troubling emotions for you and your family members. Some unfavorable symptoms may be relieved if these concerns are dealt with appropriately.

For more than a few weeks, get your child evaluated by a mental health professional who specializes in working with children. If you’re experiencing school anxiety, it’s not necessarily a sign that you have an anxiety problem. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common first step in treatment since it teaches patients how to relax and cope with stressful situations. Severe cases may necessitate a prescription from a doctor. With the help of the professional and your child’s instructor, you can make your youngster more comfortable at school.

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