List of The Most Important Vaccines For Children

June 1, 2022

CDC’s age-recommended vaccine schedule, as well as a list of the most important vaccines for children from birth to 18 years old.

According to the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the best method to keep your child safe from harmful, avoidable diseases is to follow the pediatric immunization schedule.

You should follow this advised timetable for the best potential immunity. The CDC has tested and verified the combo vaccine’s safety and will continue to do so. Here you’ll find the CDC’s recommended immunization schedule for 2020 by age group.

These are the most critical immunizations your child will receive between the ages of one and eighteen.

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP)

Ages: 2 mos. 4-6 yrs.

DTaP protects the body from three life-threatening, toxin-releasing bacterial diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). Acute diphtheria, which affects the nose and throat and can cause nerve, heart, and kidney damage in little children, is a serious disease. Sneezes, coughs, and other bodily fluids can spread this bacterium, and it can also dwell on surfaces that infants contact. When tetanus enters the body by a deep wound, the jaw locks up, making it impossible to open the mouth or swallow.

In babies under six months, pertussis is a highly contagious disease that causes severe coughing and choking fits that can be lethal. Before the vaccination became widely used, pertussis was a leading cause of death among children.

Tdap (diphtheria, tuberculosis, and pertussis) for older kids and adults

Whenever you’re 11-12 years old, and then every ten years after that, you’ll receive this medication.

Tdap, a weakened variant of DTaP, is given to older children and adults as protection. The immune system is boosted by this vaccine, allowing it to continue producing antibodies. Pregnant women are strongly advised to receive the pertussis vaccine during 27-36 weeks gestation in order to protect their unborn child from the disease. Babies under the age of six months are particularly vulnerable to the effects of pertussis.

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

After receiving it: Two months, four months, sometimes six months, and 12-15 months

As a preventative measure, it protects against infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b, which can cause a wide range of illnesses from pneumonia to meningococcal disease. Coughs, sneezes, and other respiratory secretions, as well as direct touch with an infected individual, can all spread the bacterium. The CDC recommends that all children under the age of two receive the Hib vaccine.

Hepatitis B (HepB)

At birth, 1-2 months, and six to 18 months old.

What it guards against: Hepatitis B can cause liver illness, renal disease, blood vessel issues, and liver failure. Hepatitis B may cause long-term liver damage in infants. In order to avoid liver disease and cancer caused by the Hepatitis B virus, doctors suggest that all babies receive the HepB vaccine series before they leave the hospital.

Hepatitis A (HAV Vaccine)

After receiving it: At 12 to 23 months and six to 18 months following the first dose, respectively.

What it guards against: Hepatitis A, a liver ailment spread by feces and other locations where children congregate, such as playgrounds and swimming pools, is very contagious. Older kids are more likely to get this virus and suffer from flu-like symptoms and liver pain, which can cause bile to back up into the bloodstream. Vaccination can help keep outbreaks at bay by limiting the spread of the virus across the population.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

If the information is provided: During the period between the ages of 9 and 14, the second dose is administered six to twelve months following the first.

If administered, the second dose should be given 1-2 months after the first and the third dose should be given 6 months after the second, starting at the age of 15 or older.

Because so many people are unaware they are infected, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common source of sexually transmitted diseases. Preteens and teenagers are advised to get the vaccine before they start having sexual relations. Studies suggest that the HPV vaccine reduces HPV-related malignancies in both men and women significantly.

Influenza (Flu)

After receiving it: 6 months and beyond, as well as throughout each influenza season

As a preventative measure, flu vaccines protect against influenza, a highly contagious virus that causes flu-like symptoms and can lead to death if it is not treated promptly. All people over the age of six months should take the flu vaccine around the end of October each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended. The vaccine may not be 100% effective every year, but it can still minimize the intensity and length of the illness.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

After receiving it: 12-15 months and 4-6 years old are the ideal ages for this

Rubella is the mildest of the three infectious viruses that cause fever, sensitive lymph nodes, and a rash, which is why it is included in the MMR vaccine. Having the mumps produces an enlargement of the glands in the area between the ear and jaw, which is quite uncomfortable. It is possible for measles to spread swiftly throughout a whole population, causing a widespread rash, a respiratory infection, a high fever, and in the worst cases, even death.

However, despite the fact that vaccination rates are declining, illness outbreaks are becoming more frequent. Research reveals that MMR is not associated with autism in spite of some negative news.

Meningococcal B (MCV, MenB)

After receiving it: At the ages of 11-12 and 16 years old

Meningococcal vaccinations protect against numerous types of meningococcal bacteria, which can cause serious bacterial infections that can progress to bloodstream infection and meningitis, and so necessitate vaccination. If you don’t get treatment for these disorders right away, they can be deadly. Four strains of the bacteria are protected by MCV and the fifth is protected by MenB, a vaccination given to children at high risk. In terms of effectiveness and side effects, these vaccinations outperform the competition.

Pneumococcal (PCV13)

After receiving it: Two months, four months, six months and a half to a year later.

Streptococcus pneumoniae can cause ear infections, bronchitis, sinusitis, sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia when it enters the bloodstream. Coughs and sneezes are a frequent way for people to transfer this prevalent pathogen. There are several varieties of Streptococcus bacteria that are protected by these vaccinations. Children under two should be immunized against serious disease and even death, according to recommendations from the CDC and AAP.

Polio (IPV)

When polio (IPV) is administered: At two months, four months, six to eighteen months, twelve to eighteen months, and between four and six years of age

What it guards against: Polio is a contagious respiratory virus that attacks the spinal cord and brain, resulting in symptoms ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to neurological illness, severe crippling paralysis, and even death in severe cases. Nerve damage that can paralyze limbs in polio babies may never be repaired.

According to CDC, the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is 99.9% effective. With the exception of three countries, this terrible disease has been eradicated thanks to the vaccine. If vaccination rates continue to rise, polio could be eradicated in the not-too distant future.

Rotavirus (RV)

At 2 months, 4 months, and occasionally 6 months

Rotavirus, a highly contagious disease that spreads easily among children, is protected by this product. An infected child could exhibit symptoms like a fever and vomiting, as well as cramps and watery diarrhea. If a baby has severe diarrhea, the vaccine, which is administered orally, can help prevent dehydration and hospitalization.

Varicella (Chickenpox)

After receiving it: 12-15 months and 4-6 years old are the ideal ages for this

In order to protect children from chickenpox, a disease that causes itchy red bumps and can lead a kid to be hospitalized, the varicella vaccine is necessary. Shingles, the painful and devastating recurrence of chickenpox, can be caused by this highly contagious viral infection. Additionally, the varicella vaccine is extremely successful in reducing one’s risk of developing shingles in old age.

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