The HPV Vaccine Is Being Given To My Son, And Here’s Why

June 1, 2022

In this article, we’ll talk about why the HPV vaccine is being given to my son and why it’s very important for every teens to do so. Christine Coppa‘s kid will also receive the HPV vaccine, which protects against the human papillomavirus (HPV), as part of his annual physical.

My son turns 11 in August, and I can’t believe it. He’s developed into such a well-rounded young man: thoughtful, sensitive, and athletic, all at the same time. The man towers over me. (My height is 5’3″) I recently made an appointment with his pediatrician for a well-checkup like I do every spring so that we can get an appointment before school starts back up again, in addition to his reflexes, eyes, and ears. He’ll get vaccinated against HPV. Since he was born, my kid has been on the recommended course of vaccinations.

Because of my experience with head and neck cancer, the HPV vaccine is a need for me.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection-related malignancies are guarded against by the HPV vaccine. In women, this comprises cervix, vagina, and vulva cancers; in men, cancers of the penis; and in both sexes, cancers of the genital anus and the back of the throat (including the head and neck).

There is a statistically significant gender disparity when it comes to diagnoses of head and neck cancer, according to the Atlantic HPV Center at the Leonard B. Kahn Head and Neck Cancer Institute at Morristown Medical Center in Morristown, NJ. This is just another reason why my kid will receive the HPV vaccine.

In light of my own experience, which included several tiny needle biopsies, radiation, and a lifetime of medication, I’ll do anything to protect my son from contracting cancer.

The most frequent sexually transmitted disease is the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infects 79 million Americans, most of whom are in their late teens and early twenties.

When I was 11, there was no HPV vaccine available. The CDC says that since the introduction of the vaccination over a decade ago, the number of HPV infections has decreased dramatically. HPV-related cancers and warts in young women have reduced by 71 percent and by 61 percent, respectively, in recent years. The number of cervical pre-cancers has also decreased. Some of the malignancies caused by HPV can be prevented with the HPV vaccination.

Weird stuff, this tween-teen stuff! Deodorant every day, youngster, and no explanations of puberty or where babies originate from are the things I miss most about my time as a child. BOTH ARMS, OF COURSE. NONE. OF. THAT. IS. CONGO. “Mom, *Tina told me* Sara likes-likes me!” is another thing to contend with.

“Tongue kissing,” he claimed he’d read of in school, and I swear I drank my full glass of wine in one swallow and hid my face in the bag of Skinny Pop we were sharing. Once the dog was outside, I told her to leave it there. I just wanted to avoid talking about it. When he returned inside, I explained that individuals who love each other sometimes kiss in this manner, but you have to love the person and be 21 to do so. I thought he understood.

Because my son’s father isn’t in the picture, he has a lot of questions for me. I wasn’t surprised by my son’s reaction when I told him he’d be getting a shot at his next well-checkup because he doesn’t enjoy needles or blood testing.

What’s up, Ma-oooom!?” He groaned.

He said, “Like all the vaccines you’ve had, and you don’t even remember (Cut to me thinking of his gorgeous, chubby baby thighs and Band-Aids and the crinkly white paper on an exam table), this one is to protect you, from being sick, as well.”

With my blonde, right defender soccer player, who aspires to be an astronomer, speaking about the World Cup non-stop and eating two steaks at supper, I wasn’t ready to delve into how you may contract HPV. I determined that he didn’t need to know anything about STDs at this time.

However, parents should be aware of HPV.

To be clear, HPV is not only a disease of girls; neither are females the hosts of the virus nor is the vaccine only for girls. Many people associate HPV with cancer of the cervix, yet anyone can spread the virus. A sexual relationship with an HPV-positive person increases your risk of contracting the virus.

To prevent meningitis, HPV cancer, and whooping cough, the CDC recommends three immunizations for 11-year-olds: the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, HPV vaccine, and whooping cough vaccine (Tdap vaccine).

This vaccination should be given six to 12 months after your initial dose. Depending on your child’s age, you may need to administer more than one dosage when you begin the series.

Get it as soon as possible, as with any immunization. I realize you don’t want to think about your child having sex, since neither do I, but I’m also not lost on your teen having sex either. In high school or college, your child is almost certainly going to have sex with another person.

No one enjoys taking shots. When receiving the HPV vaccine, some individuals may experience discomfort and swelling in the upper arm area.

Fainting, nausea, and headaches are all common side effects in children. Younger people are more likely than older people to experience fainting after receiving immunization. Take a 15-minute nap during the vaccine (I’ll give my son his iPad.). Playing FIFA, he’ll be in his element.)

This virus affects 14 million people in the U.S. each year, including youth. Even though most HPV infections clear up on their own, those that don’t have the potential to lead to malignancies. Standard screening tests cannot detect these malignancies early enough to be life-saving.

Girls and boys are increasingly vaccinated against HPV as it becomes more commonplace. Teen boys and girls who have received the HPV vaccine are six out of ten.

Compared to the 56% of boys who received the HPV vaccine, approximately 65% of females received the vaccine. However, just four out of every ten teenagers have got the prescribed doses of the vaccine. This indicates that a large number of teenagers are still at risk of developing cancer as a result of their exposure to HPV.

“Tongue kissing” isn’t something I’m ready to discuss with my son. When we’re waiting for our cheeseburgers at the restaurant, I want him to remain my little son, who needs my help untying his soccer cleats caked in mud and who still plays Tic-Tac-Toe with me on the menu. I want him to watch soccer and Sponge Bob with our golden retriever on the couch. “Love, Mom XO” should always be written on his lunchbox; thus, I’d like to keep doing it forever.

However, this is not the case in the real world. As he gets older, I still want to do everything I can to make sure he is cared for in any manner possible.

The HPV vaccine will be given to my son in August due to this.

Helpful related articles: Why Both Boys and Girls Need the HPV Vaccine, Teens Should Have Free Access to Condoms & Sex Education, List of The Most Important Vaccines For Children

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