Signs That Your Child Is An Empath

June 1, 2022

If your kid is emotionally sensitive, they may be an empath. Here are signs that your child is an empath and how you can adjust parenting.

In other words, being an empath doesn’t mean you’re only sensitive. Empathy is the capacity to empathize with the emotions of others. An empath is a person who is able to experience other people’s emotions as if they were your own Many people have the ability to empathize. If they observe other people in pain, they may begin to feel the same way.

As reported by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), empaths are not classified as mental disorders. Empaths, on the other hand, are thought to make up 1% to 2% of the general population.

Empaths fall into one of two categories: physical empaths and emotional empaths; however, there are many subgroups within each of these. It is common for people with physical empathic abilities to feel other people’s symptoms as if they were their own.

Headaches, stomach aches, and diarrhea are all symptoms that empaths might experience. Emotional empaths, on the other hand, are more frequently mentioned. An empath takes on the emotions of those around them, whether it’s their own or their parents’ or friends’.

You can tell if your child is an empath by the following:

When my daughter’s therapist began talking to her about her “gold medal heart,” which feels the emotions of everyone around her, I was skeptical of the whole “empath” concept. My daughter, who is now six, first showed signs of being an empath when she was able to feel the joy and sorrow of others. She’s also extremely sensitive to things like strong flavors, crowds, and foul odors outside of herself.

She has an imaginary buddy, Janie, and she’s never happier than when she’s around water. She’s prone to exhaustion, but she still takes naps. We take daily naps with her and our pandemic puppy, who share a unique bond. All of this makes sense because an empath exhibits the four characteristics listed below.


Being physically and emotionally sensitive is the most typical clue that your child may be an empath. They frequently exhibit traits associated with hypersensitivity, such as a dislike of clothing tags and a sensitivity to loud noises. Empaths are prone to emotional outbursts, yet they can also have extraordinarily mature viewpoints on the world around them.

Extra time spent alone is required.

Another telltale indication is a sense of alienation from other children. It is possible for a young child to enjoy a lot of alone time and to have imaginary friends. Whether a youngster is an introvert or prefers to hang out with a small group of close pals depends on the age of the child. People with empathic tendencies may not enjoy team sports.

Feeling the suffering of others to the fullest extent possible.

An empath’s reaction to witnessing others in distress is much more severe than that of a typical child. As an illustration, consider the phenomenon of bullying. No matter who is doing the bullying, they will still have a hard time when they watch others doing it. As a result, the older child may become more stressed and possibly sad. They may also become more withdrawn and even agitated or depressed.

Inability to control one’s emotions

Empaths find it difficult to de-stress. After a stressful day, they take longer to relax than other children. Their appearance can be sluggish, especially at the end of the school day.

The exhaustion of parenting an empath, especially if you are also sensitive or an empath yourself, can be difficult. Empaths prioritize dealing with and controlling the emotions of others over their own. Sensitive individuals should follow the adage about putting on their oxygen mask first.

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