How Children’s Media Use Affects Them

June 14, 2022

In this article we’ll talk about how children’s media use affects them. Even before they learn to ride a bike, the majority of today’s children are glued to screens like TVs, video game consoles, tablets, and smartphones.

We can’t live without technology. Teaching children ethical media use is another way parents may help their children establish a positive relationship with technology. Using public television, educational apps and games, and the internet, kids of all ages may learn the alphabet.

However, excessive screen time can be detrimental.

  • Being overweight is more common in children who regularly watch TV or use other forms of media for longer than four hours a day.
  • Children who see violent content on television are more prone to engage in aggressive behavior and develop fears about the world and their own safety.
  • Violent video games and applications are associated with an increased risk of aggressive behavior in adolescents.
  • Risky activities like smoking and drinking are common among fictional characters on television and video games.
  • It is vital for parents to keep an eye on their children’s media use and set limits so that they don’t spend too much time in front of a screen.

Observing Violence

The average American adolescent has seen more than 200,000 hours of violent television by the time they turn 18. The “good men,” whom children are taught to admire, are responsible for a large number of violent crimes. In truth, the “bad people” are generally the ones who help the hero win the battle.

When children are trying to learn the difference between right and wrong, this can be a confusing situation for them. Violent pictures can frequently terrify young children. Simply reminding kids that violence isn’t real won’t help because they don’t yet grasp the difference between real and make up. Having behavioral issues, nightmares, and difficulty sleeping may result from exposure to violence in films and television shows for children.

Violent images might even terrify older children. Consoling and explaining what they see to children of this age will ease their concerns, thus talking to them is essential. It’s preferable, however, if you keep your kids away from scary movies or video games.

Watching People Engage in Dangerous Behaviors

Having sex at a young age is typically depicted as cool, fun, and thrilling on television and in video games. This is a common misconception. Kids and teens may be tempted to try these things if they appear appropriate. Studies reveal that kids who consume a lot of sexual content are more likely to engage in sexual behavior early, which could lead to substance misuse issues.

The Obesity Connection For a long time, health professionals have connected excessive screen time to weight gain. When kids are glued to their devices, they become sedentary and prone to snacking. Many of these advertising urges youngsters to eat unhealthy items, such as potato chips and sugary sodas, which often become their go-to snacks.

According to studies, children who spend less time in front of the television are less likely to gain weight and have a lower BMI (BMI). Playing outside instead of playing computer games might also help kids keep a healthy weight.

Being able to decipher commercials..

Commercials are often misunderstood by young children, who are unable to identify the difference between a show and an ad. The objective of advertising may need to be re-emphasized to even older children. Pop-up advertising urging the player to make a purchase is especially prevalent in video games.

Aside from turning off the TV or limiting how much time your children spend watching it, removing all commercial messages from your children’s environments is nearly difficult.

Your children should know that commercials are designed to make people want items they don’t need and believe that the products would somehow improve their self-esteem.

Try to restrict your children’s exposure to commercials. You have the option to:

  • Rather than having children watch commercials on commercial-free television, encourage them to watch public broadcasts.
  • Make a recording of the show so that you can skip the ads.
  • During commercial breaks, have a conversation with your youngster about the show while the TV is muted.
  • Stream or buy or rent DVDs to watch their favorite shows and movies.

You can make the most of your child’s media use by limiting screen time and keeping an eye on what he or she is watching and playing.

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