Is HPV Vaccination Necessary For Girls Who Aren’t Sexually Active

June 14, 2022

Experts recommend it for both girls and boys. But is HPV vaccination necessary for girls who aren’t sexually active?

“I’ve heard of the HPV vaccine for female teenagers as a teen. My 14-year-old daughter isn’t sexually active, so I’m not convinced she needs it. That’s a tough one.”

For both girls and boys, the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine is currently recommended. HPV-related malignancies and genital warts can be prevented using this vaccine.

Getting a series of doses before becoming sexually active increases the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infection. Doctors’ recommendations are as follows:

  • The HPV vaccination is administered in two injections over a 6- to 12-month period to children and teens aged 9 to 14.
  • If you’re between the ages of 15 and 26, you’ll get three shots over the course of six months. Those 9 to 14 years old and those with weakened immune systems receive three doses.
  • At some point in their lives, more than half of sexually active people will be infected with HPV, most commonly in their teens and early 20s.

Some HPV strains can cause cervical cancer and malignancies of the penis, anus, vagina, vulva, mouth, and throat when transmitted through sexual contact. According to the most recent, women’s cardiovascular disease and HPV have been associated with several studies.

Even if a woman isn’t now sexually active, she will most likely be in the future. Cancer in girls can occur years after they encounter HPV in their adolescent or early adult years. The earlier your daughter has her vaccinations, the better.

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