7 Must Have Vaccines For Newborn Babies

March 17, 2023

As a parent, your child’s health and well-being is your top priority. That’s why it’s important to ensure your newborn is protected from vaccine-preventable infections. With these must-have vaccines for newborn babies recommended by the CDC and AAP, you can have peace of mind knowing your little one is safeguarded against potentially harmful diseases.

Several vaccines will be administered to your infant within the first few months of life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) both propose the same meticulously prepared vaccination regimen for children. If you adhere to the vaccination schedule in the coming months and years, your child will develop lifelong immunity to deadly diseases.

The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regularly evaluate the immunizations recommended for your infant for safety and efficacy. Here are the recommended immunizations for newborns from birth to two months of age.

Immunizations Given Just After Birth

To ensure that your infant is protected as soon as feasible and to assist parents and caregivers in keeping up with prescribed vaccinations, certain immunizations are administered as soon as possible after delivery.

Vaccination against Hepatitis B is usually started soon after a baby is born, while they are still in the hospital. You can always consult your physician if you have questions about immunizations or their schedules, and you can initiate the conversation well in advance of your due date.

Hepatitis B vaccine

The first dose of the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine is administered after birth, prior to discharge from the hospital. A child’s hepatitis B infection might result in delayed, permanent liver damage. The virus, which is found in blood and other human fluids, can stay dormant on a surface for up to 30 days.

Immunizations Given at 2 Months

At 2 months, your infant will begin receiving multiple series of immunizations. For most immunizations, your infant will require numerous doses administered over a few months to provide full protection.

Hepatitis B vaccine

During the 2-month checkup, your baby will receive a second dose of the hepatitis B vaccine. Your infant will receive a total of three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine in order to complete their vaccination series.

DTaP vaccine

The diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine series protects your infant from three toxin-releasing, life-threatening bacterial diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.

Tetanus is a serious disease of the nerves that frequently occurs in filthy environments or as a result of inadequate wound care. It can cause the jaw to lock. In young children, diphtheria impairs breathing and the throat and can cause nerve, heart, and kidney problems. Pertussis, often known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects infants less than six months and causes coughing fits that can become severe and even fatal.

Getting the DTaP vaccine between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy is also an excellent method to prevent pertussis in your infant.

Hib vaccination

The Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) vaccination protects your infant against Hib infection, and your infant will receive the first of four Hib shots at his or her 2-month well-baby visit. This bacteria can cause a variety of life-threatening conditions, including pneumonia, skin and throat infections, and meningitis, which can result in lifelong brain damage. Kisses, sneezes, and direct contact can transmit this debilitating and fatal infection.

Rotavirus vaccine

The rotavirus (RV) vaccine protects your infant against rotavirus, which causes diarrhea and vomiting. Depending on the brand recommended by your pediatrician, the oral RV vaccine is administered in a two- or three-dose series. Rotavirus is very contagious and can quickly spread via environments such as daycare centers. If your child is vaccinated, severe diarrhea is less common.

Polio vaccine

The inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccine safeguards your infant against polio, an infectious, debilitating, and potentially fatal disease. This viral respiratory illness can produce flu-like symptoms, neurological damage, severe disabling paralysis, and even death.

Infants with polio may never recover from nerve damage that might cause permanent paralysis of all limbs. According to the CDC, once the IPV immunization series is complete (three full doses), it is nearly 99% effective at preventing serious polio disease.

Pneumococcal vaccine

The pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13) vaccination provides protection against pneumococcal illness, which can lead to pneumonia, blood infections, and bacterial meningitis. PCV13 is transmitted by contact with others; therefore, by vaccinating your child, you also safeguard other children.

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