All Students Will Benefit from AP African American Studies in US High Schools

June 28, 2023

“All Students Will Benefit from AP African American Studies in US High Schools,” a statement that rings truer now more than ever. This multidisciplinary class, focusing on the initial four centuries of African American history, promises a wealth of knowledge, despite the pushback from conservatives aiming to limit its impact.

For the first time ever, teenagers from sixty different high schools across the United States will have the opportunity to enroll in a brand-new Advanced Placement (AP) African American studies course that lasts for a whole academic year. The class will cover a wide variety of subjects from a variety of academic fields, such as the study of African nations, African American civil rights, the study of art, literature, poetry, and cinema studies, as well as other themes.

A diverse group of kids who are eager to learn is enrolled in our school. The history of African Americans does not receive a significant amount of coverage in most mainstream history textbooks. Our students have expressed a desire to acquire further knowledge. Who am I to tell them that they are unable to acquire further information?

I think taking this class is like unlocking a bunch of doors all at once. The fact that an entire course will cover this material is revolutionary. Other history classes only touch on this topic superficially and do not adopt an interdisciplinary approach; however, there is a diverse group of approximately 20 students in the 11th and 12th grades at White Station High School who are currently enrolled in the Advanced Placement (AP) courses in African American studies this school year.

Although Holland was ecstatic when she learned that White Station High School had been chosen to participate in this program, she also acknowledges that it is appropriate for her to be one of those who are given the opportunity.

White Station High School is located in Memphis, Tennessee, and was established in the 1950s. It is a large and varied school with a total enrollment of 1,850 students. To provide access to advanced placement and honors coursework for a greater number of students, efforts have been made at White Station High School as well as across all Memphis-Shelby County Schools. After the Advanced Placement course in African American Studies has been enlarged. The goal is to make this class available to as many students as possible, provided that they are enthusiastic about the material, prepared to put in a lot of effort, and can maintain an open mind throughout the experience.

Despite this, opponents are doing all their power to restrict people’s access to this curriculum. Midway through the month of January, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis caused a stir when he stopped an Advanced Placement course on African American Studies in high schools. It should be noted that the content of this course, in its current form, is curiously opposed to Florida law and notably lacking in instructional value. Additionally, it violates the Stop WOKE Act, which the governor of Florida signed into law a year ago.

In retaliation, civil rights attorney Ben Crump is considering initiating legal action against Florida Governor Rick Scott.

Since then, the College Board has issued a statement in which they confirm their intention to modify the curriculum, but they remain silent about the question of whether or not this decision is connected to the recent events in Florida. The charitable organization has also stated that they will “issue the official framework” at the beginning of March. An official list of the institutions and high schools that will be participating will not be made available by the organization until further notice. Despite this, they claim that over 200 educational institutions have already confirmed their intention to back the course by providing credit and placement policies.

Students who enroll in the African American studies Advanced Placement course this year will only be able to earn college credit for their work if the program is still in its experimental phase. Instead, students can count this class toward their elective requirements for the high school level. In the spring of 2023, there will be a prototype Advanced Placement exam given in the subject of African American Studies. However, the results of this year’s Advanced Placement exam in African American Studies will not “count” for college credit and will not be included as part of an individual student’s AP exam record.

The Advanced Placement (AP) examinations each last for a total of three hours and are comprised of two parts: the multiple-choice segment and the free-response portion. Following an earlier transition to online testing in 2020 and 2021 as a result of COVID-19, the College Board recently confirmed that the Advanced Placement tests scheduled for this year, 2022-2023, will be conducted using the traditional paper-and-pencil format.

Moving on with the process of giving this course to high school kids has the feeling of being a step in a direction that is heading in a positive path. I went to high school during a time in a location where there was no opportunity for me to learn about the significant history and contributions of African-Americans in the United States when I was a student there. This is [still] the situation for a great number of kids, but it is encouraging to see that this is starting to change in some places.

Baker has expressed her excitement about the prospect of this pilot program being expanded so that it can be accessible to all high school students across the country, including, but not limited to, kids of African American descent.

Every student might benefit from taking the advanced placement course [in African American studies].

When it comes to replying to possible detractors of an Advanced Placement course in African American studies, many academic authorities agree that delivering this course is long overdue. This is because the introduction of this subject was long overdue.

Everyone has an opinion, and this is not necessarily a negative thing. Teaching people how to think critically and standing up for what is right are the solutions to this problem.

Getting some African American history education through the Advanced Placement program is essential. Because the history of African Americans is also the history of the United States, all students ought to take a course on the subject for the sake of a flourishing democracy. This program comes at an opportune time, as numerous school districts all around the country have been debating various aspects of their curricula, including those pertaining to history, current events, and other themes. In the year 2022, political leaders in an estimated 36 states have presented legislation to regulate what K-12 school curriculums can cover. These regulations include restrictions on what children can learn about history, racism, gender, and LGBTQIA+-related issues.

There are currently discussions going on about extending the scope of the Advanced Placement (AP) course in African American studies in the near future. The College Board, a nonprofit organization, recently declared that they predict the Advanced Placement course to be widely offered to a significant increase in the number of high schools by the academic year 2024-2025. The College Board has mentioned in a prior statement that preparations for an Advanced Placement (AP) course on African Americans have been in the works for about ten years.

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