When it comes to the amount of breast milk that your body produces, how significant of an impact does nutrition truly have, especially when considering options like lactation cookies for boosting breastmilk production? Here is the lowdown, along with my experience with lactation bites after giving birth to my child:
It’s always a shock and a little bit of a mystery when your body starts producing milk after you’ve had a kid, even if you know it’s going to happen eventually. In addition, nursing can be taxing on both the mother’s body and her emotions, as well as exhausting and (at least initially) somewhat confusing.
Because of these factors, a significant number of breastfeeding mothers experience anxiety with their milk supply, regardless of whether or not their supply is genuinely inadequate. In point of fact, research has shown that these uncertainties, which are often unfounded, are a common reason for mothers to stop breastfeeding their children.
After I had my first child, I found that all of these thoughts hit me quite strongly. Was I producing an adequate amount of breast milk? Is my breast milk healthy for my child to drink? Because of this, I was interested in learning more about Majka when I saw that it is a firm that produces lactation bites and powders. A simple search on Google reveals a large number of businesses, such as Mrs. Patel’s and Seedlyfe, that sell lactation delicacies. Additionally, there are a large number of recipes that promise to improve your milk supply that you can make at home.
Therefore, I reasoned to myself, why not try some bites? In addition, while I was on maternity leave, I frequently awoke during that time with a lactation bite. Find out more information about lactation cookies and decide for yourself if you want to give them a try as well.
What exactly are these cookies called?
Lactation cookies or supplements are supposed to nourish the postpartum body in addition to their goal of increasing milk supply (some study suggests that approximately 12% of persons who breastfeed deal with ‘disrupted’ lactation). According to Kirby Walter, R.D., a board-certified lactation consultant and Nourish Nutrition and Lactation owner, producing breast milk normally takes between 300 and 500 calories each day. This is a significant finding considering how important it is to the process.
According to Walter, lactation cookies typically have a high concentration of whole grain carbohydrates (which can make you feel relaxed and help with let-down), a natural sugar component (read: an immediate energy boost), and healthy fats. Whole grain carbohydrates can make you feel relaxed and help with the let-down. “The ingredients are essentially ‘superfoods,’ which help ensure that the mother is well-nourished in order for her body to have the capacity, energy, and nutrient storage to create breast milk.”
In addition, lactation bites and cookies frequently contain galactagogues, foods, or herbs that can potentially increase breast milk production. Examples of galactagogues include oats, which are a nutritious substitute for white flour and are said to boost milk supply; flax seeds, which are rich in healthy fats and other nutrients that transfer into breast milk; and brewer’s yeast, which has B vitamins, which many people swear increases supply, as explained by Marina Lane, R.D.,
She notes that some of them also include herbs and spices like fenugreek, goat’s rue, ginger, or Shatavari in their composition.
How Effective Are Lactation Cookies?
First things first: despite popular belief, lactation bites are not required in any way to keep a healthy milk production. “Our bodies post-baby can make breast milk, regardless of our nutrition,” says Lane. She explains that a change in hormones after delivery and the stimulus from a baby’s latch (or a breast pump) enables our bodies to produce milk. “Our bodies post-baby can make breast milk, regardless of our nutrition,” says Lane.
Of course, nutrition does play a part. “It has an effect on the constituents that make up our breast milk. The majority of vitamins, a few minerals, fatty acids that are advantageous to the brain, and a large number of phytonutrients that are useful, such as antioxidants, increase in our breast milk when we consume them in our meals, “says Lane.
But bites likely aren’t an elixir. Consider the plant known as fenugreek: Walter points out that it has been demonstrated to have an effect at a dosage of no less than 3,500 milligrams per day, which would be quite impossible to take in the form of lactation bites. On the other side, it has also been shown to reduce supply, which is a negative effect. (Before beginning any supplement regimen, discussing your options with your primary care provider is critical.)
According to Walter, “a lot of the herbs have been utilized for increasing milk supply for thousands and thousands of years.” However, although there are a great number of anecdotal reports of these compounds increasing supply, there is only a small amount of mixed data to indicate that most galactagogues are genuinely helpful.
Should You Give Them a Chance?
What are my thoughts regarding the bites? First of all, because I was breastfeeding, I was constantly hungry, and the bites not only tasted excellent but were also reasonably filling, and I eagerly anticipated eating them. It would be wonderful if the goods from Majka, which contain, among other things, rolled oats, fenugreek, and almonds could increase milk production. However, what if they didn’t? They were very entertaining to me.
After utilizing the bites for a few days, I saw an increase in the amount of milk I was producing; however, it is difficult to determine if this was because I was consuming more calories or because of some special combination of components.
It is also essential to point out that I personally have never had problems with my breast milk supply. I count myself really fortunate in that my daughter took to it right away, and when my milk came in, I discovered that it stabilized in a reasonably short time. There was never a moment when I fretted that I wasn’t making enough money. There were days when I pumped, and it seemed like I could never get more than a few ounces out. This was especially true on days when I was under a lot of stress or when I knew I wasn’t eating enough. (According to Lane, the quantity of breast milk that we produce may decline if we reduce our calorie intake to an excessive degree.)
If you are having trouble with your supply, experts say that in addition to regular feedings and latching, it is important to make sure that you are eating enough (consistently eating less than 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day could hinder your supply), taking in enough protein (eggs, nuts, and fish!), and staying hydrated. If you are short on energy, eating more food may help.
However, according to Lane, lactation cookies and nibbles can be a terrific addition to a breastfeeding mother’s diet as long as the components in lactation delicacies are healthy and safe for both the mother and the child. As for me? Although anecdotally, I do feel a change, I do not know if lactation bites actually influence my production; however, I do intend to continue including them in my daily routine for the foreseeable future. After all, I desperately need additional calories, I am pressed for time, and I eagerly anticipate eating them — it’s a win-win situation! (-win).
The Heart of the Matter
Ingredients in lactation bites, such as galactagogues are only helpful (if they are useful) when used in conjunction with frequent breastfeeding or pumping of breast milk. It is more beneficial than giving your child any galactagogue to ensure that they nurse regularly and effectively. Because breast milk is produced “on demand,” the most common reasons for a decreased milk supply are being apart from your infant for extended periods of time or having an incorrect latch.
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