Flying While Pregnant – Here Are the Requirements

May 28, 2023

Flying while pregnant can be a concern for many expectant mothers. Whether you are newly pregnant or planning a babymoon before your child’s birth, the following information pertains to air travel throughout each trimester, ensuring you have a safe and comfortable journey.

Parents-To-Be Must Know If They Can Fly While Pregnant

There are several precautions to take depending on when you plan your vacation and the risk level of your pregnancy, even though it is normally safe to travel up to the last few weeks of pregnancy. Here is what you must know prior to your next vacation.

A Trimester-by-Trimester Guide on Pregnancy and Flying

Generally, most airlines will allow pregnant passengers to fly up until the 36th week of their pregnancy, but you should verify regulations before booking your flight. You should also contact your OB-GYN or midwife before traveling, especially if you have a higher risk of pregnancy problems.

Before you travel

Before booking a ticket during your pregnancy, you may be accustomed to taking a trip on the spur of the moment or packing only the essentials. However, there is one additional step you should take. Purchase travel insurance.

If travel restrictions change, your health care provider advises you to remain at home, or if you experience any concerning symptoms, such as bleeding, abdominal pain, swelling, headaches, vision changes, or decreased fetal movement, you should postpone or cancel your plans and see your doctor immediately.

According to the ACOG, pregnant women with problems such as preeclampsia, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), or who are at risk for preterm labor should not travel.

1st trimester

Flying earlier in pregnancy is generally seen as safe. No, metal detectors will not damage your unborn child.

Former vice chairman of the ACOG Committee on Obstetric Practice Raul Artal, M.D., previously told us that pregnant women could take the same basic precautions for flight travel as the general public.

In which trimester should pregnant air passengers take special steps to avoid the following? Pregnant women are seven times more likely to develop blood clots, especially during long trips. To reduce your risk, you can reserve an aisle seat, get up periodically, and wriggle your legs and toes while seated.

And since morning sickness and fatigue are your primary symptoms during the first trimester, you may inquire with your doctor about bringing anti-nausea medication.

2nd trimester

In accordance with the ACOG, “The optimal period to travel is during the middle of pregnancy (14 to 28 weeks). During these weeks, your energy has returned, your morning sickness has diminished or disappeared, and you can still move around without difficulty. After 28 weeks, walking or sitting for extended periods may be more difficult.”

If you’re pregnant and flying during your second trimester, it’s important to stay hydrated, consider wearing support stockings to prevent edema and clot risk, and study hospitals near your destination in case of an emergency.

Multiple gestations or more? Due to the increased risk of difficulties, your healthcare practitioner may advise you to conclude your trip sooner.

3rd trimester

How late can a pregnant woman fly? If you’re relatively healthy and not at risk for complications such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or placenta previa, you should be able to travel up to 36 weeks into your pregnancy. However, some OB-GYNs may advise you to stay closer to home near the end of your pregnancy if you experience complications, or your baby arrives early.

Patients at high risk, particularly those with pregnancy-induced hypertension, diabetes, or sickle cell disease, may be recommended not to fly beyond 24 weeks or not to fly at all.

Consult your physician before flying near the conclusion of your pregnancy.

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