Even before kindergarten, kids are ready to start getting familiar with a keyboard by engaging in fun typing games for your child. We consulted with educators to get their input on which typing applications and games are the most effective for a fun and educational experience.
Because our children are so skilled with technology such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, it’s easy to forget that they still need to master certain fundamental skills, such as typing. The ability to type swiftly and precisely saves time for children and will be of tremendous use to them as they get older with their academics. The improvement of their typing skills instills confidence in them regarding their capabilities when it comes to using electronic gadgets. In addition, there is some evidence that teaching children to type as early as pre-K can assist with letter recognition.
Lessons on how to type can sometimes be a little boring, but thankfully there are a lot of extremely entertaining interactive games, apps, and exercises that can help young children learn how to type quickly and efficiently. Make typing exercise a regular habit, and your students will progress. It’s the same as with anything else: The more practice they have, the better they’ll get, and the simpler it will seem to them.
To get your future typist off to a good start, we polled teachers to find out which type of games they think are the best for children in preschool through middle school.
Keyboard Ninja
Keyboard Ninja is a free desktop typing game with three levels that challenge kids to use the top and bottom rows of keys in addition to the home and number pads. Children who enjoy the game Fruit Ninja will find Keyboard Ninja entertaining.
Tip for educators: Suzanne Taylor, a teacher in New York City, suggests that it is essential to encourage children to place their fingers on the keys by pointing out the small bumps that can be found on the F and J keys. Give your children the advice to take things slowly at first. Taylor promises that faster times are on the way. “To begin, children need to practice accurate hand placement and correct hand placement.”
Jungle Junior
According to early development specialist Monica Lewis, the best time for children to start learning how to type is when they are playing a game like Jungle Junior, which begins at the preschool level. As soon as children can recognize individual letters, it is important for them to begin practicing finding those letters on a keyboard. In point of fact, the earlier you get started, the better off you will be.
This hands-on, interactive program combines instructive and educational movies with hands-on activities that teach keyboard familiarity, dexterity, and alphabet identification. Jungle Junior also includes many other games that youngsters can play to keep their attention, get their fingers warmed up, and work on correctly positioning their hands.
In the educational video game Keyman, players must click on letters to move a character in the style of Pac-Man around an underwater grid collecting treasure and fish. Because it does not feel at all like learning and because it is highly addicting, it will keep children occupied, which is especially helpful when you need five minutes to yourself.
A helpful hint for teachers: when kids are learning to type, rather than using a cell phone, they should utilize a computer if possible. A teacher of the fourth grade gives the following piece of advice: Playing these excellent typing games on a mobile device is counterproductive since it does not teach kids how to position their fingers on a real keyboard. Even though there are many excellent typing programs, using a mobile device to play them is not recommended.
This easy-to-understand and the visually appealing game is perfect for novices, but it also features a more difficult difficulty level that presents a challenge to children as they improve their reflexes and speed. In the game Type-a-Balloon, youngsters have to find the right letter to explode a balloon that has a letter written on it. The balloons float up in the air with the letters.
A helpful hint from a teacher: There are hundreds of typing games accessible, so if your youngster doesn’t like one, simply switch to a different one. There are lots of typing games available. If you keep it fun, the kids will want to continue doing it.
Type, Type Revolution
If your kid is completely infatuated with Dance, Dance Revolution, they are going to adore Type absolutely, Type Revolution. The children get to select one of ten songs to play, and then they have to tap the appropriate letter on the screen before it reaches the top. When introducing new abilities, it is a great idea to integrate it with something children already enjoy doing, which is a terrific way to get youngsters excited about learning new things.
Typing Sentences for Speed
This game is intended for children who can find each letter without difficulty and are of an age when they can read sentences with more complex structures. This gives kids the opportunity to practice increasing their writing speed while composing longer sentences. Instead of just providing students with word lists to type, the Typing Sentences for Speed program provides them with intriguing facts and stories to read and write. Ellison has stated that one of the reasons he enjoys playing this game is due to the fact that it is entertaining to read. When penning the standard lazy brown fox hopping over the dog nonsense, children frequently become disinterested and bored.
The Typing of the Ghosts Game
The Typing of the Ghosts Game is an excellent choice for when your older child has mastered the fundamentals of typing and merely wants to hone their speed. The children must input the word as quickly as possible before the ghost gets them!
Tip for teachers: Older children can have difficulty mastering typing skills, particularly if they have developed poor habits or if their writing abilities are far more advanced than their typing abilities. When it would be simpler for youngsters to just jot down their thoughts on paper instead of having to type them, it can be very frustrating for them to have to do the latter. But in order for them to develop quicker, they need to practice, and because of this, we need to make sure that the practice is enjoyable.
The Ratatype program was developed for adults, but it can also be used successfully by older children interested in learning touch typing. It instructs children on the proper typing posture and helps them increase the speed at which they can type. In addition, it includes a typing exam that children can complete to evaluate their skills.
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