It’s hard to separate teething from lack of sleep like oil and water. Discover the best ways to help your teething baby at night with the following ideas that may help you soothe your little one back to sleep.
The discomfort associated with teething, which can manifest in various ways in a baby’s mouth, including a rash, drooling, and painful gums, can cause a baby to be exceedingly irritable. This irritability typically gets worse during naps and bedtime when babies don’t have their typical daytime distractions.
Do you wish there were a method to put your teething baby to sleep? Take a look at the following advice recommended by specialists for assisting you in getting your teething baby to sleep.
Sleep Aids for Children with Teething
Ignore the advice of old wives’ tales that suggest rubbing whiskey or another alcoholic beverage on your baby’s gums to calm them down during the teething process. This could be extremely harmful to your child. Because they may have unfavorable side effects, topical numbing creams, gels, and homeopathic teething tablets are not recommended for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Teething necklaces should also be avoided because of the danger of suffocation and strangling they pose to young children.
Instead, give one of these tried-and-true remedies for teething that pediatricians and other medical professionals recommend.
Applying coldness to the gums in a gentle manner will numb them.
According to Jeannie Beauchamp, D.D.S., a pediatric dentist in Clarksville, Tennessee, cold materials can numb the gums of your kid, which may help reduce some of the pain. Before going to bed, she suggests giving your child a damp and cool washcloth to chew on (stick it in the freezer for 30 to 60 minutes beforehand). Some parents serve their children beverages and foods that are cold, such as mushy applesauce, frozen fruit, or bagels that have been iced.
Try out some different teething rings.
Cold teething rings are another option; however, you need to ensure that your baby’s teeth haven’t damaged them in any way, as this could lead to your child swallowing the material contained within the toy.
Apply some force to their gums and see what happens.
Additionally, Dr. Beauchamp suggests placing gentle pressure on your baby’s gums; this will provide a calming counter sensation for your child. Just run your finger down their gums as they are getting ready for bed. It will help them relax. Make sure that you start by washing your hands!
It is recommended that you give over-the-counter drugs.
Inquire with your child’s pediatrician or dentist about the possibility of administering an acceptable dose of infant acetaminophen or infant ibuprofen to your youngster.
These medications might be advised for individuals older than six months, as long as the correct dose is given and it is administered with caution. Aspirin should never be given to children since it has been linked to a rare but potentially life-threatening disease known as Reye’s syndrome.
Remove any extra drool with a tissue.
Is your baby’s face breaking out in itchy rashes because of excessive drooling? You should regularly wipe away your baby’s excess drool, change your baby’s clothes as necessary, and moisturize your baby’s skin with safe products.
Keep up with your usual bedtime regimen.
Because your kid is teething, you shouldn’t change their normal nighttime routine. This might cause your young one to have even more trouble falling or staying asleep, and having a consistent schedule can make it easier for them to calm themselves down.
Is There a Possibility That It’s Not Just Nighttime Fussiness?
The fact that your child is having trouble sleeping even though they are not experiencing any teething symptoms other than restlessness suggests that the problem is not caused by teething. As ear infections and colds are also known to impair sleep, you should contact your child’s pediatrician if you have any reason to believe that your infant may be sick.
Getting to new developmental milestones, such as crawling or standing up, might briefly keep children who are normally good sleepers awake at night. The reason for this is that your infant is eager to practice their newly acquired abilities as much as possible because they are so delighted to use them. Another factor that could cause separation anxiety in older infants is being left alone.
The Heart of the Matter
It is normal to be annoyed when your kid wakes up in the middle of the night when you think you have mastered the art of getting them to sleep through the night, but you should make an effort not to worry about it. When your baby’s new tooth has successfully broken through the gums, any trouble sleeping caused by the discomfort of teething should return to normal.
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