6 Simple Things You Can Do to Make Your Kid More Independent

May 21, 2023

Teaching our kids independence is crucial, and in this article, we’ll discuss things you can do to make your kid more independent. While it’s not always simple, these daily actions will help your child become more autonomous and self-reliant.

We try to raise children who can think and act for themselves. However, it is not always simple for them to grow more independent and responsible. This is partially because our natural inclination as parents is to make their lives easier, save them from their mistakes, and limit their exposure to hardship or failure.

Developing your child’s independence requires time and work, but the benefits are well worth the investment. Here are some basic daily actions you may take to assist your child in becoming more independent.

1. Let Them Make Mistakes

Allowing children to make errors may seem contradictory at first, but it teaches them how to succeed in life. When they make a mistake, reassure them that it’s okay and assist them in generating ideas for future improvement.

This mental change can prevent tiny errors, such as forgetting an umbrella when the weather forecast predicts rain, as well as larger errors, such as failing a test because they waited until the last minute to study.

It’s difficult to watch your child suffer. Nevertheless, if you educate children that failure is merely feedback, they will develop a growth mentality and be confident in their ability to conquer any challenge.

2. Engage Them in Genuine Household Chores

Encourage your child to complete modest chores such as organizing up toys after playtime, putting away groceries, and cleaning their room. Ensure that you assign children age-appropriate and required chores. When children feel they contribute to the household genuinely, they are far more eager to pitch in.

The chores need not be large; they need only demand forethought and planning. For instance, if washing is piling up, ask them what they believe should be done. Urge children to bring a stack of dirty clothes to the washing machine. See if they can assist you with loading the washing machine. Perhaps they wish to help press the button. That is fantastic! All of these simple jobs are required to begin washing, and by incorporating children, they will feel empowered (and will eventually be able to do their own laundry!).

3. Provide Options and Flexibility, But Within Boundaries

Providing children with independence and allowing them to make decisions is an excellent approach to empowering them, instilling confidence in their decision-making abilities, and fostering a feeling of responsibility. As children are able to make their own decisions, they have greater possibilities to experience natural consequences.

Parents can demonstrate respect for their children’s preferences, interests, and needs by providing many opportunities for youngsters to make their own decisions. The more practice children have making independent decisions, the better.

Consider that if children have too many alternatives, they may become overwhelmed. Hence, rather than asking, “What do you wish to accomplish today?” Ask them whether they would prefer visit a playground or go hiking. Try to provide two or three possibilities you are comfortable with; this will allow you to answer “yes” to whichever option is chosen.

4. Give Them Space

Children require room to grow and learn. And it is unlikely that they will become more independent if they never had the opportunity to be independent. Promote independence by providing your child with many unsupervised exploration chances. If kids are playing in another room, you should refrain from monitoring them (or if you must check in, try to be discreet).

Allow them to walk ahead of you on the sidewalk (use your best judgment based on the street traffic). Send them out to retrieve the mail if the mailbox is located at a safe distance. Let them enter the cafe, place an order, and pay for their lunch as you observe from a safe distance.

Find at least one technique per day for your child to accomplish something “on their own” without you.

5. Avoid Excessive Correction

Avoid correcting your child when they are attempting to accomplish something independently as much as possible. For instance, if you ask your child to make their bed and it’s not perfect, resist the impulse to correct it (I know, it’s difficult!). Always keep in mind that perfection is not the objective. The objective is for your child to assume responsibility. They will not want to try again if they are constantly corrected.

6. Create Your Environment with Freedom in Mind

How you manage your home will affect your child’s capacity to practice independence. Can your children reach their cups, plates, spoons, and napkins? Exists a pitcher of water from which they can replenish their cups if they become thirsty? Do you have a lightweight hamper to transport their clothing to the laundry room? Can they independently access a sink and soap to wash their hands?

Consider how you can increase your youngster’s likelihood of doing something independently. For instance, you may utilize a lower shelf to make clothing more accessible. Add an eye-level hook to allow them to hang their backpacks after school. Put a step stool near the kitchen so that guests may independently retrieve snacks from the refrigerator or pantry.

Simply keep in mind that the more you do for them, the less they will have to do for themselves. Ask yourself if you’re doing too much for your child. If so, prominently display the following phrase from Maria Montessori: “Never assist a child with a task at which he believes he can succeed.” Actively and confidently allowing children to be autonomous is the key to helping them become more independent.

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