How Long Does Morning Sickness Last

March 21, 2023

“How long does morning sickness last?” is a common question among first-trimester pregnant women. Up to 80% of these women experience nausea and vomiting, and it is important to determine the duration of these symptoms on average.

It’s one of the most frequent early pregnancy symptoms, but its intensity varies from individual to individual. Some people experience a small, intermittent feeling of nausea, while others feel nauseous enough to vomit. Thus, when does it often begin and end? Here is a guide for soon-to-be parents.

When Does Morning Sickness Start?

While the timeline of the sickness is not fixed in stone, most pregnant women begin to feel unwell between weeks six and eight of the first trimester (though it can start earlier). Michele Hakakha, M.D., FACOG, an OB-GYN in Beverly Hills and the author of Expecting 411, states that labor typically does not begin after week 14.

Late in pregnancy, your baby may exert pressure on your stomach and intestines, resulting in nausea. This late-pregnancy nausea can be alleviated by a number of the same techniques used to treat the sickness.

When Does Morning Sickness End?

Around week 16, most people begin to feel significantly better. Around 10% of pregnant women endure nausea and vomiting during their whole pregnancy.

If your morning sickness persists, consult your doctor. You may be experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), a severe form of the sickness that can linger throughout your pregnancy. HG is a potentially devastating illness that may necessitate hospitalization for IV fluids.

Included among the symptoms of HG are:

  • Extreme nausea and vomiting.
  • Weight loss.
  • Dehydration and electrolyte disturbance.
  • Incapacity to retain food or liquids.
  • Nausea

Around 2% of pregnant women develop hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness.

Additionally, notify your doctor if morning sickness ceases abruptly during the first trimester, which does not necessarily indicate a problem with your pregnancy. For some people, nausea is a daily symptom, whereas, for others, it occurs intermittently.

What Science Reveals About Morning Sickness

Scientists may not fully comprehend what causes the sickness or why some pregnant women have mild nausea while others vomit. According to the predominant idea, the pregnancy hormones hCG and estrogen begin to surge in the body and set off a cascade of responses, including nausea and vomiting.

Some studies believe that morning sickness is the body’s way of safeguarding a developing embryo by eliminating potentially hazardous substances. This may explain specific dietary aversions or olfactory sensitivities that did not exist earlier.

In one study, researchers discovered that morning sickness symptoms reduced the risk of miscarriage. But, this doesn’t mean that you should be concerned if you do not experience the sickness. Numerous pregnant women avoid the terrible morning sickness phase and birth healthy infants.

At the sixth week of pregnancy, the sickness often begins for most pregnant women. Usually, they cease between 10 and 14 weeks, but they may remain until 16 to 18 weeks or infrequently until the end of the pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, morning sickness does not exclusively occur in the mornings.

Advice for Managing Morning Sickness

Consider eating salty crackers or ginger to alleviate some of the unpleasant effects. You should also discuss prenatal supplements with your physician. Some pregnant women may experience upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting as a result of the iron content of prenatal vitamins.

In fact, according to one study, pregnant women could significantly lessen their morning sickness symptoms by eliminating iron-containing supplements. If you choose to forgo iron in your vitamins, ensure that you obtain iron and folate from alternative sources.

These foods are excellent providers of iron and folate:

  • Dark green leafy veggies, including kale, spinach, and watercress.
  • Brown rice.
  • Fish and red meat.
  • Nuts, tofu, and seeds.

If home remedies are ineffective in managing your morning sickness symptoms, consult your prenatal care physician. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications may be helpful, but they should be taken under the supervision of a medical professional.

Coping with the sickness may not be the most enjoyable aspect of pregnancy, but it will likely not continue for more than a few weeks. To prevent morning sickness, you might discuss with your doctor vitamins, nutrition, exercise, and other variables that can aid in preventing nausea.

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