It is very uncommon for parents of young children expecting a sibling to talk about the challenges of shifting their toddler from their cot to the big kid’s bed. Here are the best ways to help your toddler adjust to a new room.
Ensure a Gradual Transition
You don’t have to move your toddler immediately if the new baby hasn’t arrived. Don’t rush the process of settling in when you move into a new house.
The transition should be completed before the arrival of a new sibling. There is a chance that the new baby may have “pushed” your toddler beyond their comfort zone.
The Move Should Be Celebrated in a Big Way
Getting your child excited about the upcoming transition to the “big kid room” in advance will go a long way toward making the transition easier.
Be optimistic about what you like about your new room.
Talk about how much room your child will have to play if the place is greater. Referring to the old room as a “baby’s room” could encourage your child to move into a new one.
Take Care of Valuables
As a starting point, bring in some of your toddler’s favorite things like her dolls or toys. Before you move, plan to spend some time in the room playing.
Before transferring, consider incorporating your daughter’s new room into her nightly bedtime ritual. Begin by reading a story to your child in their new bedroom.
Engage your child in the process.
Involve your child in the process of picking out fresh décor for their new bedroom if you’re moving them soon. Allowing your toddler the opportunity to choose between two colors of paint or a set of sheets will help him or her become more involved in the process.
Continue with the Same Bedtime Routine
Keep the nighttime routine as consistent as possible when moving a youngster into a new room.
This is not the time to alter a child’s bedtime or alter their routine. A toddler’s ability to anticipate the next step in a new situation can help them adapt more rapidly.
Reduce the number of modifications
Moving to a new “big kid” room can be an ideal time to transition a young child from a crib to a large bed, but this isn’t always the case. This is an option if your youngster is old enough for a bed.
A Time to Rejoice for the Changeover
It’s always a good idea to have a party for your kid when something major happens in their life. A little party should be thrown to celebrate the completion of the big kid room and develop excitement for the transition. Show your child all the new and unique things in the room, and consider getting them a little surprise trinket.
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