Educating Kids How To Use Social Media Responsibly

April 8, 2022

Most kids have a profile on a social site and utilize social media. Here are proven ways how to educate your kids with social media.

There are a lot of benefits to using social media, but there are also many dangers and things that children and adolescents should avoid. When people share things online, they don’t always make the best decisions.

Parental guidance on social media etiquette is therefore necessary.

Positive Aspects of Social Media

How social networking can benefit children:

  • You should keep in touch with your loved ones or family members.
  • Participate in a campaign, nonprofit, or charity as a volunteer; broaden their horizons by exchanging musical and artistic ideas with others who share their passions, and connect with like-minded people.
  • Interact with your teachers and classmates.

Social Media’s Drawbacks

There is a downside to social media, such as cyberbullying and unethical actions. Children can post more than they should on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

For the vast majority of young people:

  • People can publish pictures of themselves online, use their real names on their sites, and divulge personal information such as birth dates and interests.
  • Online predators and anyone who wishes to hurt them may see them as easy prey.

Quite a few teenagers claim to be able to:

  • has been afraid or uncomfortable after receiving an internet message from someone they don’t know.
  • ‘got online advertising that was improper for their age ‘faked their age to gain access to websites’

Anxieties and Repercussions

While cyberbullying and internet predators are serious issues, children may also encounter the wrong person in the real world. When someone uses the app, it will reveal the poster’s location. You can use this information to pinpoint the location of the individual who is utilizing the app.

In addition, photographs, videos, and remarks submitted online are often irreversible after someone has already shared them. There is no guarantee that even if kids think they have already deleted anything, it is impossible to remove it entirely from the Internet.

When a prospective employer or college admissions officer conducts a background check, posting an unsuitable photo can harm a person’s reputation and cause problems for years to come. Even if it’s meant as a joke, sending a sarcastic SMS can be highly damaging to the recipient and even perceived as a threat.

Too much time spent on social media can sometimes be depressing. When children see the number of “friends” others have and the photographs of them having a good time on social media, it exacerbates their inadequacy and inferiority complexes.

Is there anything that parents can do to help their children?

You should keep tabs on what your children are doing online, especially if you’re a parent. However, spying can alienate them and erode the trust you’ve developed with them over time. Make sure your kids know that you respect their privacy while still keeping an eye out for them.

Tell your children that it’s essential to:

  • Always show consideration for others.
  • Be very careful when pressing the “enter” key.
  • Ask yourself, “WWGS?” (What Would Grandma Say) as a rule of thumb. It may sound funny, but it’s a good way to go.
  • Turn on privacy controls.
  • Don’t “friend” somebody you don’t know.

Set Up a Deal

Consider drafting a “social media agreement” with your children – a legally binding pact everyone can sign. 

They agree to keep their personal information private, consider their reputation, and not share it in the agreement. They also agree not to bully or gossip about others using technology.

They have agreed to respect their children’s privacy and participate in the social media community on the parents’ side. There is no need to write embarrassing comments or rants about untidy rooms when you “friend” someone.

Limiting media consumption is another way parents can help keep their children grounded in reality. Ensure that computers are only for public areas of the home and that laptops and smartphones aren’t allowed in bedrooms (such as no devices at the dinner table).

Also, don’t forget that your online conduct can go a long way toward teaching your children how to use social media responsibly.

These are just some of the ways how you can go ahead and educate your kids with social media.

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