Your toddler was assured before the baby arrived that he’d have a beautiful little brother to play with and that it would be a lot of fun. As soon as your toddler’s little brother arrives, they ask, “Are you kidding me?!” Do you want me to have fun with this writhing, red-faced baby who takes up all your time and attention? He then “plays” with the baby in his limited way of doing things. In this article, you will learn how to support and deal with the jealousy of your older child when a new baby comes into the family.
He enjoys a game of catch. You scream at him for hitting the infant with the toys he was playing with. He has a game of “hide-and-seek” going on. To get the blanket off the baby, you holler at him. You tell him to be more careful when he hugs the child. If your child feels a little unsure, it’s understandable.
Hover and Teach
First and foremost, you must protect the child. Secondly, teach your elder child how to engage with his new sister correctly. 1 There is no need to reinvent the wheel when teaching your toddler how to play with a baby. Show him how it’s done; guide and encourage him. The children should never be left unattended unless you’re satisfied that you’ve met your second goal. It’s a pain in the rear. However, it is essential, if not critical.
In other words, “hover” nearby while the kids are together. As soon as you notice that one of your children is about to engage in physical play, take up the infant and engage the other child with a song, toy, activity, or even food. Protecting the baby and avoiding a series of “Nos,” which may inadvertently lead to aggression, are the primary benefits of this strategy.
Make Use of Gentle Hands
Give a back rub to the newborn by showing the elder sibling how to do it. Tell the older child how this touching relaxes the infant, and congratulate them on their efforts. It teaches children how to be physically affectionate with a baby in a healthy way.
Be Prompt
Take action immediately if you notice your child hitting or roughhousing with the newborn. This is a time-out if someone hits you. Using the phrase “You can get up when you can properly use your hands,” place the youngster in a time-out chair. As long as he is careful and kind with the infant, he can get right up. In the end, this isn’t a punishment. It’s merely teaching him that he can’t engage in rude behavior.
What a child sees, hears, and experiences are what they will. Younger children watch you as you care for and interact with the infant. When it comes to educating your child, there is no better person than you. Every action you take is an example for your child, who will get the most from observing you.
Make a positive comment if you notice the older child caressing the baby. Make a great deal out that the “elder brother” is so important. Tell your older child how proud you are of him and give him a big hug and kiss.
Your Words Have Power.
Don’t put all the blame on the newborn. “The baby is asleep, so we can’t go to the park,” the mother said. Avoid waking the infant by raising your voice. “As soon as I finish changing the baby, I’ll be there to help you.” At this stage, your child prefers to get rid of the baby rather than keep it for himself. Instead, come up with a variety of other justifications. It’s “busy hands” time for me.” It’s after lunch that we’ll go. It’ll just take me three minutes to help you.
Be There for One Another
Let your child know how things have altered since the arrival of a new family member. All of us are going to need some time to adjust to this. Don’t get too specific or inflammatory in your remarks. Don’t say, “I’m sure you’re going to dislike the new baby.” To avoid offending, say something like, “It must be difficult for Mommy to spend so much time with the baby.” you probably wish we could go to the park right now rather than waiting till your child awoke from their nap. The less your child needs to act out to earn your attention, the better. 5
Give Extra Efforts to Your Lover
Make more of an effort to show your youngster how much you care about them. Give more hugs, say more “I love yous,” and make time to read or play a game. Experiencing short-term regressions or behavioral issues is natural and can be tolerable with a little additional patience and care.
Participate with them
Educate the older sibling on how to best care for the newborn and how to keep them entertained. Allow the older sibling to open the baby’s gifts and take pictures of the baby with the camera. He should be taught how to put on the baby’s socks. Let him do his thing. When you can, give positive feedback and words of encouragement to others.
Creating a Sense of Individuality
Siblings should avoid comparing themselves, even when it comes to seemingly innocuous topics like birth weight, when each child crawled or walked, or who had the most hair. These comments can be interpreted as criticisms by children.
Calm yourself down by taking a deep breath. Everyone in the family is going through a period of adjustment. Adjust to your new family size by reducing outdoor activities, lowering cleaning expectations, and focusing on your current priorities.