Struggles Foster Parents Face

July 12, 2022

When a relative can no longer remain with their biological parents, some families find themselves thrust into the role of foster parents. In this article, you will learn more about the struggles foster parents face and what you can do to handle them.

In many ways, raising foster children is similar to raising biological kids. As with any other child, those in foster care require the same amount of structure, discipline, love, and guidance. Friends, after-school activities, and homework are all part of their daily lives. However, raising children in foster care has its particular obstacles. And foster parents need to be aware of the difficulties they may face to help children in foster care succeed.

The Licensing Method

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The licensing process for foster parents is substantial. Most states require foster parents to attend training, complete a home study, and confirm that their homes satisfy licensing standards before they can begin caring for children in their care.

In-depth interviews regarding everything from the foster family’s financial situation to the foster parents’ upbringing may be a part of the home study procedure. The state has instituted this procedure to ensure that foster parents can provide a stable home for children in need.

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There is a good chance that a background check will be required. For foster parents, references from persons who can vouch for the stability and love of their household may also be required.

The house inspection is an important stage in the process as well. To be considered safe, a house must meet specified criteria. A fire marshal may also conduct an inspection, depending on the state. It is possible that a home will need to be repaired if it does not fulfill certain criteria. Installing larger windows or new railings to fulfill minimal safety requirements might be expensive.


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This ambiguity about a child’s living status makes it difficult for foster parents to plan for the future. About 51% of children in foster care are reunited with their primary caregivers at some point in their lives.

For some children, this can take months or even years. Foster families are often kept in limbo, waiting to see if judges and advocates agree that reunification with the child’s birth relatives is in the child’s best interest.

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There are various options for children who have been removed from their families, including adoption, foster care, or placement in group homes. Often, families get a lot of warnings about what’s to come in the future. Other times, a change may come as a surprise.

Throughout the process, numerous court hearings, discussions, and revisions to the original plan affect the family. Foster parents often find themselves in a quandary: Do they plan for the future with a foster child in mind, or do they keep their options open?

Birth Family Gatherings

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Children in foster care who may one day be reunited with their biological families can see them. You can have visits in a neutral environment under the watchful eye of an expert. They may also take place in the homes of the adoptive parents.

The visitation schedule may disrupt the foster family’s routine. Birth family visits can last for many hours at a time and may happen several times a week. They could even entail longer stays over the weekend. Visits that are unexpectedly canceled or that don’t go well might have a negative impact on foster parents.

Norms and Standards

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Each state has its unique foster parent legislation. However, some foster families may find the guidelines very restrictive, and it may take some time for them to adapt. Also, children in foster care may not be allowed to go outside the country. Also, a friend or family member can’t take care of them for long periods. Foster parents may not have time to care for them while they are on vacation. Therefore they may have to be placed in a licensed daycare facility.

This can prevent spontaneous play dates from happening. Older children in foster care may also find it embarrassing and confusing, especially for families unfamiliar with the foster care system.

Permission From Guardians

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Legal guardianship does not apply to foster parents. Because of this, individuals are frequently unable to sign legal papers.

There may be times when foster parents must call a child’s state-appointed guardian in order to get authorization for a field trip or a doctor’s appointment. It can be difficult to contact the guardian in the evenings and on the weekends. This can sometimes make basic activities seem difficult.

History Is A Mystery

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Despite the greatest efforts of those in charge of child protection agencies, major gaps in a child’s history are not unheard of. This can include those incarcerated, addicted to drugs or refusing to share information. Perhaps no one adult is aware of what a child has been through because they have changed carers so many times.

Pregnancy of the birth mother is a huge uncertainty in many cases. Uncertainty about a child’s prenatal drug or alcohol exposure is common. In addition, there’s no telling what kind of background information might be lacking. They may not know if the youngster has reached certain developmental milestones on time.

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Even a person’s genetic background may be obscure. For children with a family history of mental or physical health disorders, it may be difficult to tell if they are at risk. It’s also possible that a child’s trauma history is a mystery. In other cases, adults may be unaware of a child’s previous history of abuse or neglect.

Insufficient information may raise issues about a child’s attachment history. Attachment disorders like reactive attachment can occur in children who cannot form a close relationship with their primary caregivers. It’s possible that a child’s mental health difficulties, developmental disabilities, or physical health problems won’t surface until after a long period of time spent in a foster home.

Behavioral and Emotional Obstacles

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Besides being removed from their primary caregivers, children in foster care have undoubtedly suffered abuse or neglect due to their placement. As a result, many foster children struggle with mental and behavioral issues.

Therapy and other forms of intervention can be necessary for foster care children struggling to cope with their emotions and behavior. It’s possible that the methods that work for other kids won’t work for yours. Specialized training is available for some foster parents to cope with specific problems, such as aggressive behavior, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or reactive attachment disorder (RAD).

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No doubt, foster families confront several difficulties that regular families don’t have to deal with. As a foster parent, you’ll need an open mind and the ability to collaborate with others to raise a child.

However, despite these additional difficulties, providing a home for a child in transition may be highly fulfilling. They believe they can provide a caring and stable environment for children who can’t live with their biological parents.

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