Knowing the Difference Between Conflicts and Bullying

July 11, 2022

Everyone has their share of disagreements. As a matter of course. This can help children develop the social skills they’ll need down the road. There is nothing normal about bullying, as there is nothing normal about confrontation. It’s not a “rite of passage,” and it doesn’t teach youngsters to be tougher because of it. This article is made to guide you in knowing the difference between conflicts and bullying.

Abuse of power can have serious repercussions, and bullying is no exception. Bullying has no place in a healthy society. Bullying and confrontation, on the other hand, have some important distinctions. It’s critical to be able to recognize these disparities if you want to respond appropriately.

Peer conflict is defined by the following:

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It is possible to spot instances of interpersonal conflict in a number of different ways. Everyone in a relationship has equal power when there is a disagreement. Both people may be in a state of emotional distress, but neither one is attempting to exert control over the other. Despite their differences, they nevertheless show mutual respect for one another.

People typically feel guilt and take responsibility for their conduct when they are involved in conflict. When kids are in disagreement, they typically want to find a solution so they can get back to having fun. Because they want the relationship to feel better, they are working hard to come to an agreement.

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

Finally, disagreements occur from time to time, but they are rarely significant or emotionally destructive to either party. A person’s self-esteem isn’t damaged by disagreement, even though it’s unpleasant to deal with.


*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash
  • Relationships should have equal authority.
  • Both kids are in a bad mood.
  • Feel guilty.
  • Want to get back together after a disagreement.
  • Happens on occasion.
  • Emotionally, it’s usually not a big deal.

Bullying’s defining characteristics:

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The easiest method to tell if someone is being bullied is to look for signs that they are doing it on purpose. Someone else’s well-being is the primary objective of this type of behavior. In addition, there is a power imbalance. A bully uses intimidation, harassment, threats, or humiliation to gain power over others.

Repeated and deliberate bullying is another form of abuse. The bully’s tactics may change from time to time, but they are always targeting the same people intending to harm them.

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Additionally, bullying can have a devastating impact on a person’s mental or physical health. When a bully feels no guilt for their actions, the victim is often visibly distressed. Bullies may take pleasure in inflicting pain on others.

Nothing is being resolved either. As a general rule, bullies do not want to build a relationship with their victims. Bullying, on the other hand, isn’t a crime in every case. Sometimes, it’s just a case of bad manners. Make sure you understand the definition of bullying.


*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels
  • An unbalanced power dynamic exists.
  • Unbothered by victim’s distress.
  • The bully has no qualms about what he’s done.
  • The bully doesn’t think a solution is necessary.
  • Continuous.
  • This may pose a major risk to one’s mental or physical health.

Resolving Bullying vs. Conflict

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As a child, you’re bound to have disagreements, but bullying isn’t one of them. When there is conflict, children learn how to compromise and take turns giving and receiving. Moreover, they learn how to resolve conflicts and come to an agreement. Bullying does nothing but cause harm to the victims.

When it comes to resolving disagreements, teaching children how to do so is a wise move. Listening and teamwork are encouraged by these qualities. An agreement is reached by both sides.

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

Resolving a conflict relies on the notion that both parties share responsibility for the problem and must cooperate to find a solution. As a result of the kids coming to an agreement, the problem has been settled. It is advisable to let children resolve their conflicts on their own rather than intervene.

Bullying is not a circumstance where conflict resolution is suitable. Bullying victims face a high risk of harm as a result of this practice. In order to commit bullying, the bully must deliberately harm another person; there is no middle ground.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

Bullies, on the other hand, rarely engage in negotiations with others. For them, it’s all about power and blaming everyone else.

Bullies typically retaliate when no one else is around, even if an adult can persuade them to apologize in front of others. Consequently, it’s important to distinguish between dispute and bullying. In the end, the bully is the only one who can make things better for everyone else.

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

It’s never a smart idea to make a target participate in a mediation or conflict resolution process against their will. Instead, devise an intervention plan that protects the student being bullied from the bullies themselves.

Discipline for the bully is in order. Bullies should be punished for their actions. Telling them that their actions are unacceptable is also necessary.

Bullying victims, on the other hand, need to know that they are not responsible for the bullying. Help them overcome the harmful effects of bullying by working with them. Self-esteem is the ultimate goal.

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