What Kinds of Kids Get Bullied The Most

July 11, 2022

Anyone might be a victim of bullying for a variety of reasons. Personality differences and being in the wrong location at the wrong time are only two examples. Bullying may affect anyone, including those who are strong, athletic, and popular. But in this article, you’ll find out why certain kinds of kids get bullied the most.

Certain qualities may increase a child’s risk of being bullied. To avoid being bullied, these children should not strive to alter their appearance. Bullying is motivated by the bully’s poor judgment, not by some alleged flaw in the target.

Characteristics of Potentially Bullied Children:

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Bullying is always the fault of the one who perpetrates it, never that of the one who is bullied. In spite of this, certain sorts of children are more likely than others to become the prey of bullies. Bullying is more likely to occur if certain characteristics or traits are present.

1. Successful

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Bullies may target children who excel in their chosen fields. When children are bullied, it is often because their peers and adults find them attractive. All kinds of accolades, from making the cheerleading team to becoming the editor of the school newspaper, are examples of this kind of attention.

Due to a sense of inferiority or fear that their strengths will be eclipsed, bullies attack these pupils. Due to their insecurities and desire to make others doubt their talents.

2. Determination, Creativity, and Intelligence

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These children go the additional mile in their studies at school. Then again, they may be able to learn at a rapid pace, completing tasks and projects far more swiftly than their peers. Gifted children, for example, are frequently singled out for special attention in order to help them succeed academically. Bullies tend to single them out because they are envious of the attention they are receiving from the bullies.

3. Vulnerable

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Anxious or submissive kids are more prone to be bullied than outgoing and confident ones. According to some researchers, children who lack self-esteem may attract other children who are more likely to bully. Kids who are good at pleasing others are also more likely to be bullied, since bullies know they can easily be manipulated.

Bullies frequently target these children because they are perceived as weaker targets who are less likely to respond violently. Most bullies are looking for a sense of power, therefore they target children who are less powerful than them.

4. Isolated Here

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Many youngsters who have been bullied have a smaller circle of friends than those who haven’t. Rejected by their friends, ostracized from social gatherings, and spending lunch and recess alone are all possibilities for these students. Teachers and parents can help socially isolated adolescents avoid bullying by encouraging them to make new acquaintances.

Bystanders might lend a hand by making friends with these students. Bullying is much less likely to occur when a youngster has at least one friend. When a bully knows that a victim has a friend who would stand up for them, they are more likely to pick on that person.

5. Popular

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Because of the danger they offer to the bully, some youngsters are singled out for bullying. It’s not uncommon for mean girls to target someone who threatens their social standing.

Many cases of relational aggressiveness can be traced back to a desire to advance socially. Even cyberbullying can be used by kids in an attempt at sabotaging their own popularity. The bully’s goal in picking on these children is to diminish their reputations and diminish their appeal.

6. Physical Distinguishing Characteristics

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When it comes to being bullied, there is no such thing as being too different or unusual. Whether the victim is tall, slim, or obese is not a factor in this case. They may have acne, a big nose, or ears that protrude out of their head. No matter what, the bully will take a character and use it to make a victim out of you.

7. Medical Condition or Disabilities

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Bullies frequently target youngsters with special needs. ASD, Asperger’s syndrome (which the DSM-5 no longer utilizes as a diagnostic but now falls under ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, Down syndrome, or any condition that marks them distinct can be included in this group. Bullies may also target children who have special medical needs, such as those who suffer from food allergies or asthma. This is when bullies demonstrate a lack of empathy or make jokes about the victim.

8. Different Types Of Sexuality.

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Being LGBT is the most common reason for bullying among children. In reality, children who are bullied because of their sexual orientation have been the victims of some of the most horrific bullying events. Prejudicial bullying can lead to serious hate crimes if it is not addressed. As a result, it is critical that students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) have access to a strong network of support.

9. Religiosity and/or Culture

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Bullying based on a child’s religious affiliation is not uncommon. After the September 11th terrorist attacks, Muslim students were subjected to anti-Muslim prejudice. Religious bigotry can be directed at any student. For both Christian and Jewish students, their beliefs and behaviors are routinely mocked by their peers.

As a result of their lack of respect for others’ religious beliefs, some people resort to bullying.

10. Diverse Ethnicity

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Children may taunt other students simply because they are of a different ethnic background.

White students may, for example, single out African-American pupils and harass them. Alternatively, Black pupils may target and bully White classmates.

Every race and every direction is affected. No one is immune to bullying, and no one is immune to being the target of bullying. Because they’re different from the rest of their classmates, these students are singled out for bullying.

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