How to Tell if Your Boss is Bully and How to Approach Them

July 11, 2022

Bullying affects people of all ages, not just teenagers. Workplace bullies are becoming more commonplace. According to some estimates, up to 30 million American workers have been bullied at work or are currently being tormented. More than 30 million people have seen it. In this article, learn ways on how you can tell your boss is a bully and discover ways to engage them.

Anyone in the office might be a victim of workplace bullying. Having to deal with bullying by a boss, on the other hand, is one of the most challenging challenges you’ll face in your career.

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Oftentimes, employees are unaware that their employer is harassing or abusing them in any way. They believe their employer is difficult or merely pushes them to achieve results. However, being able to recognize instances of workplace bullying is critical, as the effects can be far-reaching.

What to Look for in a Bully Boss

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Think about whether your boss’s behavior falls into one of the following categories, and if so, it may be a sign of workplace bullying.

Your Success Is In Jeopardy.

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To bullies, your success means that you’ll lose your power. They don’t want that to happen. To avoid having to take responsibility for problems that you did not make, they may attempt to blame you for earlier blunders.

Because of this, a promotion, transfer, or more training may not be possible. They may even micromanage or override your efforts. To persuade you to work more hours, some bullies would promise you a promotion or raise, but then fail to deliver on those promises.

Affects Your Mood

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Threatening to sack you as a means of maintaining power and control is an example of intimidating behavior. It is not uncommon for a bullying boss to make threatening gestures or even threaten to hurt you. Tripping you up, invading your personal space, and shooting you a menacing stare are all examples of intimidating behavior.

Invades Your Personal Space

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Some supervisors keep tabs on you and may even go so far as to follow you around. When you’re at home or work, they may listen in on your phone calls, read your mail, and mess with your personal stuff. A tyrannical employer looking around your workplace while you’re away is nothing new. Ultimately, they’re looking for information they can use to harm you.

Bullying supervisors might cause you to be isolated from your coworkers. They don’t include you in work outings, athletic events, or after-hours meetings, and they don’t put you on party lists. If they know that you’re on vacation or have a conflict in your schedule, they may set up appointments for you.

Doubts Your Ability and Commitment

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Bullying bosses doubt your abilities by dismissing your thoughts and opinions. This type of action might occur in private or in public. They may also place the burden for difficulties at work squarely on your shoulders, all the while bragging about their own abilities.

If you don’t put in long hours and sacrifice personal time, a demanding manager may doubt your dedication to the job. Even if you try, you’ll likely never be able to please them completely.

Makes Fun of You

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One of the main goals of bullies is the creation of a negative public image for their victim(s). As a result, they may spread rumors about your personal or professional life, beauty, health, or other aspects to their peers. In order to harm your reputation, they may fabricate stories about you. In other words, they want everyone to assume that the treatment you’re getting is your fault.

Infringes on Your Career

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Bullies establish unrealistic timelines, and they always lead to failure. They also frequently alter the scope of a project, resulting in additional effort and raising the risk of failure.

They keep you in the dark and undermine your efforts by causing your initiatives to be overdue or fall short of expectations. It’s also common practice to sabotage projects by refusing to sign off on them or by failing to provide the necessary feedback.

Uses Abusive Language

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It is well-known that managers who are abusive to their employees will humiliate them in public. They may scream, swear, or yell at you in a hostile manner. They could make rude jokes about you. A verbally abusive employer may make sarcastic remarks or give harsh critiques as part of their bullying.

Approach Your Boss the Right Way

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It’s hard to stand up to your employer. It’s an option to consider if you’re being taken advantage of. But before you do anything, consider the probable consequences. Be prepared for disciplinary action or losing your job if you refuse to back down.

Bullying may be more important to some people than keeping their job in the firm. Some people would rather develop coping skills while they are looking for work. Regardless of what decision you choose, be prepared for whatever may happen. If confronting your supervisor is something you’d like to do, here are some tips for doing so effectively.

Confidence Is The Key To Success

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In the workplace, bullying managers know who they can dominate and manipulate quickly. Avoid appearing anxious or dejected. Whatever transpires throughout your conversation, maintain your composure and professionalism. Don’t succumb to the pressure, and keep your head held high.

Be Direct

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Prepare clear examples of how your supervisor has acted unprofessionally when discussing their behavior. As a result, it will appear as though you’re overreacting if you lack instances.

However, bear in mind that the majority of supervisors who engage in bullying conduct refuse to accept responsibility for it. They are more than likely to blame you for their acts, or just to swear they don’t recall it at all, and blame you for it. Avoid blaming yourself for their actions, and don’t make excuses for them.

Work Even More Effortfully

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Don’t let your boss’s bullying get in the way of your productivity at work. Stay away from discussing the situation with your coworkers. As a result, you should instead concentrate on delivering high-quality work. Also, don’t let your boss’s constant commotion get in the way of your work. Make sure to keep a record of all of your accomplishments.

Get Outside Help When Necessary

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Contact human resources or your boss’s supervisor if your boss continues to bully you despite your efforts to address it. Record any occurrences of bullying, including the date and time, as well as the names and contact information of witnesses. All electronic correspondence should also be saved.

Consult a therapist if you’re experiencing emotional exhaustion, depression, or anxiety. To overlook the negative repercussions of workplace bullying is a bad decision.

Recognize Your Powers and Limitations

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As a reminder, you are powerless in the face of other people’s actions or words. You may, however, choose how you respond. Try to remain neutral and non-aggressive during the exchange. Postpone speaking with your supervisor if you find it difficult to remain composed.

Take Responsibility for Your Own Well-Being

Bullies know that if you do nothing to stop their behavior, they will succeed. Make it clear to your boss that they were wrong to target you. Approach your manager calmly and assertively about the matter at hand. Aiming for non-aggressive or mean-spirited defense is the goal.

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If you know how to recognize workplace bullying, you’ll be able to quit blaming yourself for the actions of others. It’s also less probable that you’ll be willing to bear the blame for something that wasn’t your own fault. Remember that bullying does not imply that you are a bad person. When it comes to workplace bullying, the bully is the one who makes the decision.

Do not let the scenario impair your self-esteem or well-being by losing sight of the big picture. Investigate your choices, whether it’s reporting your employer, filing a complaint, looking for a new employment, or seeking professional help for your current position. Getting away from a boss who is constantly berating you is possible if you put up the effort.

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