6 Ways To Help Children Develop A Positive Self-Image In The Early Years

July 11, 2022

It’s unpleasant to hear someone express negative feelings about their body, but it’s more painful to hear from children as young as preschool or kindergarten. Researchers have found that toddlers as young as 3 or 4 may begin to worry about their weight and appearance. Numerous children freely discuss their dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. In this article, learn 6 ways to help kids develop a positive self-image.

Research on the Body Image of Children

Nearly half of childcare workers report seeing children between the ages of 6 and 10 with body-image worry, compared to a little over a third of those children only a few years younger. Many child care workers believe youngsters are getting more worried about their bodies as they age. About one-fifth of childcare experts say they’ve witnessed children refuse food for fear of getting fat.

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“He’s fat” and “She’s fat” are familiar words children use. Over a third (37%) and a third (31%) of childcare workers have heard children call themselves overweight, respectively. In addition, childcare providers claim to have overheard a youngster express the wish that they could be as attractive as someone else because they felt unattractive.

Unfavorable self-perceptions of one’s physical appearance can begin as early as childhood, according to research released in 2015 by the nonprofit Common Sense Media. The organization’s mission is to educate and empower parents, teachers, and legislators about the media and technology they use.

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Existing research on how children and teenagers feel about their bodies was analyzed for this analysis, which indicated that concerns with body image begin long before puberty. Online, even 5-year-olds express dissatisfaction with their bodies and a desire to be slimmer.

According to the Common Sense Media study, more than half of girls and a third of boys as young as 6 to 8 say their ideal weight is to be slimmer than they are. One out of every four youngsters has tried dieting by the time they are seven years old. Between the ages of 10 and 17, 87 percent of female characters on television are underweight.

What Parents Should Know

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

As a result of a wide range of influences, including culture, parents, friends and classmates, and the media, young people acquire worries about their looks. Parents can make a huge difference when it comes to helping children develop a positive body image. Here are a few things to remember.

Observe Your Phrases

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Things like “I look fat in this” or “I can’t eat this because it will make me fat” should be avoided. Your youngster is paying attention to what you are saying and doing. Younger children who believe their mothers are unhappy with their bodies are more likely to be dissatisfied. Be confident in your body and your abilities.

Don’t Worry About Your Appearance.

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People’s appearances and bodies should be avoided at all costs. Concentrate on what’s good about someone, rather than what’s bad, such as how rude they are or how little effort they put in.

Recommit Yourself to Good Habits

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

For them, health and fitness take precedence over their weight. Teaching healthy eating habits to children can be as simple as having them assist you when you go grocery shopping by selecting nutritious fruits and vegetables and reading the nutrition labels together.

Check Out Their Playthings

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The toys in your child’s toy chest are a good start. Do they have unnaturally large muscles, protruding eyes, or other outlandish features? Toys should be edited out or at the very least balanced out with more realistic human body portrayals. Better still, stock up on mind-expanding board games, puzzles, and children’s literature.

Encourage self-acceptance and confidence in one’s own body.

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Adverts and the media are full of gender and physique stereotypes. Make sure you and your child are aware of any advertising, TV shows, or movies that are too sexualized or promote bad dietary choices. What’s wrong with these photographs, or what’s missing?

Limit Your Time Spent Staring at a Screen

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

According to research, reduced screen time has been shown to lower obesity risk in children and even improve academic performance. Help children see the marketing ploy behind junk food advertising, which they can now see even when they’re not in front of a screen. Dietary balance is critical to overall health, and it’s especially important to focus on eating foods high in nutrients and fiber.

A decision has been reached.

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

Even though raising a child might be difficult, it’s essential to help them cultivate a positive body image. Taking proactive measures can prevent your children from being bombarded with negative messages about “perfect” bodies from the outside world. To help your child build a good body image, you must know what you say about your own and their bodies.

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