Bullying Facts Everybody Should Be Familiar With

July 11, 2022

Is there any evidence that bullying has improved or worsened over the past few decades? As recently as the early 2000s, the federal government first compiled official statistics on bullying. That’s why it’s vital you learn about these bullying facts everybody should be familiar with.

Many teachers, bosses, and parents have gained a better understanding of bullying since statistics began being gathered. But many people are ignorant of how widespread bullying is and why it’s such a significant issue in modern society.

On the subject of bullying, here is some of the most recent data.

As a child, bullying from other children is common. Students at school can bully, isolate, ridicule, or otherwise harm children and teens in various ways.

It’s difficult to pin down exact numbers when it comes to cyberbullying among children. According to several studies, bullying has been found to affect anywhere from 9% to 98% of students.

According to most studies, bullying is more common among children with disabilities, children who identify as LGBTQ, and minorities than other children.

Among the other statistics about bullying in schools:

  • Almost half of the students in grades four through 12 have been bullied at school at least once in the last month.
  • In the last month, 23 percent of children reported being the victim of two or more instances of bullying.
  • Nearly one-fifth of American children in grades nine through twelve say they have been the target of bullying.
  • Seventy-one percent of students report witnessing bullying in the school setting.
  • Seventy percent of teachers say they’ve witnessed bullying at the school.
  • Almost a third of young people have admitted to bullying someone at some point in their lives.

List of Bullying Styles

Many different types of behavior are involved in bullying. Social or verbal bullying is more common than physical bullying. Students appear to be less likely to engage in cyberbullying.

After being surveyed, middle schoolers revealed the following sorts of bullying:

  • 44 percent of those surveyed stated they had been referred to by names.
  • Some 43% claimed they had been teased.
  • According to 36 percent of those surveyed, a bully circulated rumors or made up stories about their character.
  • 32% reported being shoved or pushed.
  • Nearly a third (29%) reported being smacked, slapped, or kicked.
  • A whopping 29% of those polled said they had been overlooked in the hiring process.
  • A whopping 27% claimed to be in danger.
  • More than two-thirds of those polled indicated a bully had stolen their possessions.
  • About a quarter of those who were bullied reported that the bully had made sexual remarks or gestures toward them.
  • Online bullying was reported by 10% of respondents.

Areas of High Bullying Incidence

Bullying is commonly associated with incidents occurring on school grounds or in building halls. Bullying can happen in person, online, or even in the classroom.

  • More than half of middle school pupils reported being bullied at least once.
  • There were 29 percent of students who were harassed in the classroom.
  • In the corridor or at their lockers, 29% of students have been bullied.
  • Bullying at the cafeteria was reported by 23% of those surveyed.
  • In PE, bullying affected 29% of students.
  • In the bathroom, 12 percent of students were bullied.
  • 6 percent of the students were bullied on the playground.

Bullying by Teachers at the School

Peer-to-peer bullying is by far the most common kind of bullying among students; nevertheless, teachers and other school staff members can also bully pupils.

According to a study, teachers are likely to target roughly 15% of students. Teachers’ propensity to single out these pupils doesn’t seem to wane even when they move up in school levels.

Teachers have been demonstrated to be more likely to use abusive language against students who exhibit high levels of inattention and antisocial behavior.

The following is the most recent data on teacher bullying:

  • Only 2 percent of pupils in middle school say a teacher has bullied them.
  • 30 percent of high school students say a teacher has bullied them.
  • Among young adults, 64% say they had been bullied by a teacher at least once throughout their academic career.
  • Ninety-three percent of students in high school and college say that at least one of their teachers is a bully.

Male pupils, on the other hand, are more inclined to believe that their teachers mistreat them. Teachers were less likely to verbally harass female pupils from high-income families than those from lower-income families.

The Damage Bullying Inflicts

Bullied students are more likely to have sleep problems, anxiety, and depression than their peers. They’re also more likely to have a difficult time adjusting to school.

A look at how bullying affects young people, as compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

  • Bullying has a detrimental impact on self-esteem for 19% of kids who have experienced it.
  • Bullying has a negative impact on 14 percent of kids’ friendships and interactions with family members, as well as their academic performance.
  • 9 percent of those who have been bullied say it has had an effect on their health.


The term “bullying” conjures up images of middle- and high-school pupils being bullied. Bullying, on the other hand, doesn’t go away after you leave high school. Bullying is common in college, and it’s not uncommon for it to continue. Occasionally, college lecturers bully their students.

Students who are subjected to harassment and abuse on campus are more likely to engage in substance abuse and have interpersonal difficulties (such as getting into fights).

In certain cases, researchers have found that teachers have made obscene gestures, disregarded or neglected students, lied or lied to get students in trouble, or even physically attacked students.

Bullying is a serious problem in college, according to the latest studies.

  • According to the American Journal of College Health in 2015, 23 percent of college students have been bullied.
  • Of the pupils who reported being bullied, 18 percent claimed that their instructor was responsible.

Using their power to penalize, manipulate, or denigrate a student beyond what would be considered reasonable disciplinary procedure, researchers categorized this as a teacher.

Many college campuses are also plagued by hazing. Bullying is quite different. Bullying is a form of discrimination in which someone is targeted and excluded. Hazing is all about being a part of something larger than yourself. It is possible that students must “earn” their place in an organization such as a fraternity or sorority.

Students who are subjected to hazing experience humiliation, sleep deprivation, alcohol intake, and sexual actions. Here are some hazing statistics:

  • 5 percent of all college students have admitted to being hazed at some point.
  • 40% of those surveyed say they were aware of hazing.
  • 22 percent of those who were hazed said they were subjected to it because of the involvement of a coach or advisor.

It doesn’t end at school when it comes to being bullied at work. That’s not uncommon to see it in the office. Bullying in the workplace can cause a wide range of issues, including higher health risks and decreased productivity.

Workplace bullying can take many forms. Theft, sabotage, humiliation, and exclusion are all examples of bullying. Workplace bullying can also include intimidation, threats, and gossip, rude jokes, yelling, demeaning, and unrealistic demands.

According to the results of the June 2017 U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey:

  • Bullying affects 19% of the population.
  • In the workplace, 19 percent say they have witnessed bullying.
  • 70% of workplace bullies are men, and 60% of their victims are women.
  • Among bullies, 61% are bosses.
  • Almost a third of victims refuse to speak out about their ordeals.
  • To put an end to the bullying, 65 percent of the victims are forced to resign from their positions.

Taking action is critical if you or someone you care about has been bullied. Keep a record of what’s happened and seek help from a school official, an HR representative, a teacher, or a mental health specialist. To begin, speak with your doctor if you’re unsure who to turn to. For example, your doctor may be able to recommend getting legal help or seeing a mental health specialist.

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