You may help your tween make and maintain a new friendship in various ways. They need the support of their friends when they begin to distance themselves from their parents at this time in their lives, which is why friendships at this stage of life are critical. A parent’s intervention may be necessary if your tween is having social difficulties.
Here are a few tips to assist you in leading your tween through these challenging social years. Making friends, growing as an individual, and becoming more comfortable in your skin are the goals for your tween.
1. Promoting Long-Term Relationships
Dissect what it means to have friends and how to be one with others. Have an open dialogue on the importance of keeping good relationships with the people in your child’s life. Tell her how much you admire her friends. You might say things like, “I enjoy it when your friends call to check in when you’re unwell” or “I like it when your friends volunteer to help you clean your room after a sleepover”.
To help your tween develop new friends, invite them over to watch a movie or play a board game with the family, or incorporate them into your family’s activities.
Make sure your tween understands the importance of one-on-one time and that communicating with pals via text or email does not replace face-to-face time.
2. Encourage Her to Meet People
Tweens aren’t often aware that their actions and demeanor turn away potential pals. Please help her to see that she may be sending the incorrect impression to her peers with her attitude and appearance. Ask your tween if she’s a good fit for a group of people.
When she first sees them at school, does she smile and greet them? The way she moves tells us a lot about who she is. Does she maintain eye contact with her colleagues or keep her glance downward? Does she value the opinions and abilities of others, or does she hold them in contempt because they differ from hers?
3. Don’t Strive To Please Everyone.
When you were younger, you may have longed to fit in with the “in” crowd but didn’t quite make it. Avoid stifling your child’s self-discovery because of your baggage. Do not pressure her into joining a group of friends or participating in “cool” activities just because you think it will make her feel better about herself. Allow your adolescent to explore her interests and make friends who will be supportive and have a beneficial impact on her life.
4. Keep Her Activate
Maintaining an active tween is a great approach to help her meet new people who share her interests and to broaden her current group of pals.
5. Embrace Differences of Opinion.
Having a close group of friends is perfectly normal. To assist your tween in integrating socially without abandoning her individuality, you need to teach her how to form groups of like-minded friends.
The key to her happiness is not being a member of a particular group. Be a positive influence on her by encouraging her to make friends with like-minded children who can be fun to be around.
Everyone can have friends from various backgrounds and don’t need to come from the same social circle.
6. Expect A Lot Of Action.
Tweens tend to be moody, angry, and obnoxious. Any or all of these feelings can disrupt tween friendships. You should be prepared for some of her relationships to be contentious at times. You can help your tween deal with her feelings and encourage her to calm down before confronting her buddy about their issues. To assist your tween in strengthening her problem-solving abilities, perform a role-playing game with her. She needs your help to see things from her friend’s perspective.
7. Take The Time To Listen.
You should listen to what your child has to say on a daily basis about the school, the bus, sports, or any other issue she has to address. You can learn a lot about her pals and their habits if you pay attention to what they say. Immediately take action if you feel unfavorable conduct is occurring.
8. In The Event Of A Bad Situation
Your preteen may be participating in an unhealthy group of pals. A true buddy will increase her self-esteem and provide her with confidence. Belittlement, low self-esteem, and self-doubt are all symptoms of having a frenemy.
As much as you can, encourage your preteen to focus on her other relationships if a friend turns out to be a foe. It is important to keep her busy if the friendship ends so that she doesn’t dwell on the loss. While some relationships may not continue, new and exciting friendships will always be discovered.
9. Self-Expression Should Be Encouraged.
However, you also want her to have her thoughts and opinions and not rely on those of others. Make it clear to your adolescent that it’s okay for them to disagree or have divergent interests, opinions, or hobbies with their pals. Embrace her individuality and empower her to say “no” to a buddy trying to steer her in the wrong direction.
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