Kate Middleton’s Unbending Parenting Rule for George, Charlotte, and Louis

January 17, 2024

The Princess of Wales purportedly prohibits yelling within the family residence and has a specific approach to addressing such situations when they arise.

Kate Middleton, aged 42, enforces a stringent parental guideline for her children Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

Despite having a nanny to assist with childcare, the Princess of Wales and Prince William are actively involved parents, prioritizing a hands-on approach to raising their children and striving to provide them with a relatively ordinary childhood.

In establishing household regulations for their three children, William and Kate take the lead, with one particular prohibition at Adelaide Cottage—shouting is strictly forbidden.

Reports suggest that any instance of shouting is promptly addressed by removing the child from the situation, followed by a calm discussion led by either Kate or William.

According to a source quoted by The Sun, “The misbehaving child is taken away from the scene of the argument or disruption and spoken to calmly by either Kate or William.”

The source further explains, “Explanations are given, consequences are outlined, and they refrain from raising their voices.”

It is evident that Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are expected to refrain from shouting at each other or their parents.

Kate’s commitment to establishing parenting guidelines for her children is not surprising, considering her active involvement in early childhood initiatives in recent years.

In reference to her latest initiative Shaping Us, the Princess of Wales articulated, “It’s about shaping our futures, shaping our society, creating a happier, healthier, more nurturing world for us all to live in.”

Acknowledging the diverse challenges faced by families, she emphasizes the importance of early childhood without adding undue pressure but rather advocating for support in reprioritizing family life amidst the demands of raising children today.

Apart from Kate’s rules, it is noted that Prince William also upholds specific standards within the Wales household, as disclosed in Valentine Low’s book, Courtiers: the Hidden Power Behind the Crown.

The book reveals that William prefers a casual dress code for staff visiting the family home, except for formal occasions or important meetings.

As one member of the royal household shared, “The kids run around the office, and he does not want it to be stuffy. If we have important meetings, or are going to Buckingham Palace, then of course we [wear suits].”

William emphasized the significance of maintaining a relaxed atmosphere, stating, “This is where my family lives.”

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