Perplexing Parenting Mysteries After 20 Years: Unraveling the Enigma

January 19, 2024

I have three adolescents and one child who is on the verge of turning 21. I am not experiencing patches of hair loss, I do not have a drinking issue, and my nerves are not worn out and frazzled. (Although my hair might be, my nerves are holding up just fine.) Teenagers are not an enigma to me; I have a decent understanding of them by now.

However, despite over two decades of parenting experience, there are still enigmas within the realm of parenting that elude me.

And being a child of the ‘90s, I harken back to the wise words of C + C Music Factory when I ponder, “there are things that make me go hmmmm….”

The Absence of Survival Instinct in Parking Lots

Profile of a teen girl depressed/sad at sunset in a parking lot while wearing a backpack and holding binders.

In parking lots, teenagers rarely bother to scan their surroundings to ensure that vehicles are not speeding towards them, as noted by OTMOM contributor Paula Quam.

If you’ve ever navigated through a high school parking lot, you might observe a peculiar phenomenon: very few teenagers bother to make eye contact as you approach in your 5,000-pound SUV. They casually stroll in front of your vehicle without even sparing a glance in your direction to check if, perhaps, you might accidentally run them over.


While I appreciate their vulnerability and trust, this level of nonchalance is quite baffling. One would assume that even if they are not actively thinking, “I should check if that vehicle is going to hit me,” their basic human survival instinct would kick in.

But alas, nothing. They remain unfazed.

Parents’ Behavior in Parking Lots

The drop-off and pick-up lanes at schools are notorious for chaos and parental frustration. I may not condone parents dropping off their kids in lanes meant for continuous flow, but I understand their motive – avoiding the queue.

Yet, one behavior that perplexes me is witnessing parents in the drop-off line inching forward painstakingly towards the entrance, all to spare their kids from taking a few extra steps outdoors.

Is it truly necessary to clog up the lane for 10 minutes just to ensure that your vehicle is perfectly aligned right in front of the doors before your child disembarks?

There’s a sidewalk readily available, running along the entire stretch of the drop-off lane, specifically designed for walking. Let’s be real, it’s just a matter of around 30 steps. Even if we had to trek two miles, uphill, both ways, little Billy can manage an extra 30 seconds of walking outside.

Volleyball Uniform Conundrum


Despite her personal experience playing volleyball and having three daughters involved in the sport, Paula Quam remains puzzled by the excessively short shorts in volleyball uniforms.

I am an avid fan of volleyball, a sport that garners a large following. However, one aspect that continues to baffle me is the inclusion of ultra-short shorts in their uniforms. Before the backlash ensues regarding the necessity for maximum range of motion, I can’t help but question why this particular girls’ sport emphasizes this aspect so significantly, unlike sports such as basketball.

Having participated in both volleyball and basketball during high school, I never once thought, “If only these mid-thigh shorts weren’t hindering my movements…” While I acknowledge that most (but not all) girls prefer them for the style factor, and as a mother of three daughters, I’ve grown accustomed to it.


Yet, for grandparents or individuals unaccustomed to this style, the overt display can be overwhelming. It can also be uncomfortable for pre-teens and teenage girls who may not feel entirely confident showcasing that much skin. Moreover, if performance is the concern, wouldn’t it be more practical to have slick, form-fitting leggings around the thighs to facilitate diving and sliding, rather than bare skin?

Undoubtedly, it would.

And spare me the argument that longer shorts lead to bunching and discomfort, as I’ve witnessed plenty of readjustments happening during volleyball games. While I risk sounding overly critical, I’m simply voicing what many people murmur about during these matches.

The Decline of Movie Watching Among Kids

I reminisce about Friday night movie marathons being the highlight of our week when the children were younger.

Yet, in the blink of an eye (imagine the snap of fingers), their interest waned. “It’s too much of a commitment,” one of them once remarked. However, they have no qualms about binge-watching streaming series for hours on end. “Jane the Virgin” may span countless hours, but somehow that seems more manageable than sitting through a 1.5-hour movie. I just don’t understand it.

And even if they do muster the will to watch a movie, why do they feel the incessant need to multitask by browsing their phones for videos or games simultaneously? There have been instances during movie nights where a significant plot twist unfolds, only to have someone sitting right there ask me what just happened. My go-to response? “You’ll never find out.”

The Vegetable Conundrum


While a thoughtfully arranged vegetable platter will be swiftly devoured by teenagers, they rarely opt to snack on vegetables directly from the refrigerator.

To this day, I can’t recall witnessing any of my children rummaging through the refrigerator to grab vegetables for a snack. I might have caught a glimpse of a unicorn once, but never the scenario described above.


Yet, inexplicably, if I take the vegetables out and present them neatly on a platter alongside some dip, they vanish in no time. How do these contrasting behaviors coexist?

The Vacation Enigma


This photograph was taken during a winter vacation in Exuma, Bahamas. Despite the breathtaking scenery, warmth, tranquility, and good company, I found myself yearning for my kids and the daily routine back home.

Paula Quam / Forum Communications

I harbor a deep-seated love for traveling. Scratch that, I have an immense passion for traveling. It has always been a part of me. I relish adult-only escapades with my spouse. The anticipation of an upcoming trip keeps me going.

So, here lies the mystery: why, despite my fervent adoration for travel, do I inevitably reach a point during the trip where I yearn to return home? Even while basking on a pristine, white sandy beach, the longing for our kids, our home, the pets, and the familiar routines creeps in. WHY? It defies all logic. It’s a seven-day getaway! I want this, I NEED this. Snap out of it! Yet, without fail, this sentiment resurfaces every single time.

It’s almost as if I cherish my life or something equally peculiar. It’s an enigma.

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