A Parenting Trend That Is Simply Unnecessary

January 20, 2024

Supervising from a Seated Position? I was intrigued when I came across an article discussing the latest parenting trend known as ‘sittervising’.

However, as I delved deeper into the concept, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of disbelief.

The idea behind ‘sittervising’ is essentially to oversee your kids while remaining seated – not actively engaging in their play but keeping a watchful eye on them from nearby.

Is this truly considered a trend?

From my perspective, and I would venture to say that of most parents worldwide, this is simply a routine part of daily life rather than a trendy practice.

On numerous occasions, I’ve walked into the living room to find my two children, Theo, aged six, and Immy, aged four, engrossed in playing with their Lego, Bluey toys, or a board game, while I’ve settled on the couch with a book or my phone.

Certainly, I am mindful of ensuring they play safely and peacefully, although the concerns of them mischievously inserting toys into each other’s mouths (which was more prevalent a couple of years back) or the level of noise during their play.

Yes, I do encourage their independent and imaginative play by allowing them space to explore without my constant intervention.

Nonetheless, I wouldn’t categorize my approach as following a parenting trend but rather as seizing a moment of respite while they are happily engaged.

Because I am well aware that the tranquility can swiftly transform, leading me back to the hustle of preparing drinks, arranging snacks, switching toys, managing bath times, and preparing meals.

Hence, I cherish those brief moments of not being urgently needed, rather than adhering to a parenting fad.

Upon becoming a parent, one quickly realizes that every aspect of caregiving is labeled.

Your patience with your child isn’t merely patience; it’s termed ‘gentle parenting’.

Collaborating in child-rearing with your ex isn’t just cooperation; it’s labeled ‘co-parenting’.

The aspiration for your child’s academic success or aiding in their skill development isn’t straightforward support; you’re now a ‘tiger mom’.

I recently encountered the term ‘sleep-unders’, where parents fetch their children from a friend’s place just before bedtime instead of allowing them to stay overnight. Isn’t this akin to a casual dinner at a friend’s house? Does it truly necessitate its own distinct label?

Personally, despite acquainting myself with various parenting trends and methodologies, I have never rigidly adhered to any single one. Frankly, my days are consumed with navigating through them with minimal chaos and disruptions.

While these trends may offer valuable insights to some individuals, I find myself constantly striving to maintain a sense of order amidst the daily challenges.

Parenting is undeniably challenging, and any guidance or suggestions are welcomed with open arms.

However, does assigning a label to every concept, innovation, or action truly serve a purpose? I beg to differ.

Primarily, such categorizations seem superfluous, especially when applied to something as fundamental as ‘sittervising’.

Furthermore, by imposing definitive labels on these overarching theories and practices, additional pressure is placed on parents attempting to adhere rigorously to these standards, subsequently inducing feelings of inadequacy when they fall short of implementing every strategy and recommendation consistently.

The essence of parenting lies in adapting to the unique needs and characteristics of each child. Even siblings raised by the same parents in a similar environment can exhibit stark differences.

For instance, asking Theo to brush his teeth results in prompt compliance, perhaps with a minor gesture prompting him to fetch the toothpaste.

Conversely, Immy tends to procrastinate over inevitable tasks – such as brushing her teeth – multiple times a day.

A simple request for Theo contrasts with a prolonged negotiation with Immy. This scenario within my own household underscores that a singular parenting approach cannot universally apply across the diverse spectrum of children worldwide.

It’s imperative to acknowledge that children experience fluctuations in mood and behavior, necessitating varying responses from parents based on their individual needs.

In essence, we cannot confine ourselves to rigid trends and methodologies when dealing with the dynamic nature of children and parenthood.

Instead of fixating on labels like ‘sittervising’ or ‘sleep-unders’, let us focus on fostering genuine connections with our children and adapting our parenting styles to suit their distinct personalities.

By relinquishing unnecessary labels and embracing a more intuitive approach to parenting, we can prioritize the well-being and growth of our children without being constrained by societal norms.

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The fundamental truth, albeit not groundbreaking, is that every child possesses a unique and distinct persona. Even siblings raised in identical environments by the same parents exhibit individuality.

A simple task like asking Theo to brush his teeth elicits a prompt response, whereas Immy tends to prolong the process through deliberate delays, showcasing their contrasting behaviors.

Even within the confines of my own household, a one-size-fits-all parenting approach proves inadequate, underscoring the complexity of catering to the diverse needs of children.

As parents, it is crucial to adapt our strategies and responses based on the ever-evolving dynamics of our children’s personalities and emotions.

Let us embrace a more flexible and intuitive parenting style, devoid of stringent labels and rigid frameworks, to nurture authentic connections with our children and promote their holistic development.

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