17 Individuals Expose Signs of Inadequate Parenting: “Parents Simply Abandoned Their Children”

January 29, 2024

Regardless of whether or not you have children, you likely possess some understanding of what constitutes “positive” or “negative” parenting practices. Evidently, there exist indicators that may suggest substandard parenting, and members of the BuzzFeed Community did not shy away from highlighting them. Presented below are various viewpoints that you may or may not resonate with:

1. “Individuals who anticipate special considerations to be made for their children. If an event is designated as adults-only, it is essential to either arrange for childcare or opt not to attend. Simply showing up with your child and assuming others will make exceptions is inappropriate. This also extends to parents who insist that strangers relinquish their airplane seats for their children. If you wish to sit together, make the necessary seating arrangements in advance. Avoid inconveniencing others during their travels.”

2. “Parents who evict their children the moment they reach 18. By consistently reinforcing the notion that their child is a minor until they come of age, only to abruptly declare them as adults at 18 without providing guidance on adult responsibilities, these parents send conflicting messages.”


3. “Parents who publicly criticize their children. I encountered a situation where a woman, accompanied by her two sons and mother, entered my checkout line. Her initial action was to apologize for her sons’ perceived lack of manners, attributing it to their absent father. Subsequently, her mother proceeded to berate the boys, claiming they were driving her to madness. It is important to note that the boys were merely assisting with bagging groceries and behaving appropriately, yet the mother and grandmother displayed unwarranted hostility towards them. In contrast, the subsequent parent in line engaged positively with their daughter, inquiring about her day and offering support. I commended the latter parent for their commendable behavior. Upon overhearing my remark, the woman with her sons hastily departed in a disgruntled manner.”

4. “Parents who reprimand their children for not attending school when ill. I have personal experience with my mother frequently reproaching me in such situations, insinuating that I did not exert effort to attend school. However, in reality, my day was spent alternating between resting and dealing with illness.”


5. “Several years ago, my workplace was within a 10-minute walking distance from home. On pleasant days, I opted to walk to work instead of driving. During my route, which passed through a mall parking lot, I was taken aback by the number of parents who would drop off their children there every morning. Particularly during the summer, I observed cars arriving with 12 to 16-year-olds disembarking. Despite the mall not opening for another two hours, these children were left unsupervised to wander aimlessly. Subsequently, I witnessed the same parents picking them up after my work shift — a span of nine hours. It was disconcerting to witness this daily routine.”

6. “Parents who subject their children to body shaming.”


7. “During cold weather, observing parents donning jackets while their children or infants remain inadequately dressed, lacking even socks and only clad in a onesie, is concerning. On numerous occasions, I have encountered parents expressing bewilderment over their child’s incessant crying, prompting my husband or me to remind them of the temperature disparity and advocate for appropriate clothing. Regrettably, some parents dismiss these concerns by claiming their child’s resistance to additional layers or outerwear. Such behavior is distressing.”

8. “Placing a blanket beneath a bottle to facilitate ‘self-feeding’ for a three-month-old situated in a baby swing, where they spend a significant portion of their time.”


9. “Parents who habitually complain and speak disparagingly about their children, especially during school breaks. These individuals often vocalize sentiments such as ‘My children are driving me insane!’ or ‘I eagerly await the resumption of school.’ Interestingly, such parents frequently exhibit confrontational behavior towards educators while underestimating the challenges associated with teaching. It is perplexing how these parents struggle to manage their child’s behavior over a brief weekend break, yet expect teachers to oversee their children five days a week, eight hours a day.”

10. “Instances where parents evaluate their child solely based on academic performance or exam results, further penalizing them for academic setbacks without delving into the underlying reasons.”


11. “The absence of efforts by parents to instill in their children the value of consideration for others. Residing in a ground-floor apartment, I have encountered situations where neighboring children engage in disruptive behavior directly outside our living space, including peering into windows, tapping objects against windowpanes, and engaging in prolonged, raucous play. While it is unreasonable to expect children to be impeccably behaved at all times, I was raised to respect others’ property and personal space, understanding the importance of not causing undue disturbance. Regrettably, contemporary responses tend to dismiss such concerns, asserting that children should be allowed unrestricted freedom. My intention is not to detract from childhood experiences but rather to advocate for basic etiquette and respect towards others.”

12. “Casually using profanity in the presence of children. While adults may exercise their freedom of expression, using inappropriate language, especially in the vicinity of young children, is ill-advised. Certain behaviors are deemed acceptable for adults but may not be suitable for impressionable ears, warranting discretion even in casual settings.”


13. “Smoking (tobacco or cannabis) indoors with a child present or within a confined vehicle. While individuals are entitled to make personal choices regarding their health, subjecting children to secondhand smoke poses respiratory risks and heightens the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).”

14. “The deliberate choice of dressing infants or toddlers in attire bearing suggestive or inappropriate themes serves as a clear indication of subpar parenting. Such attire, intended to convey humor or cuteness, often misses the mark and instead reflects poorly on the parents.”


15. “Observing parents who consistently maintain a polished appearance, adorned in fashionable attire with styled hair, while their children consistently appear disheveled, as if they had been playing in unsanitary conditions. This disparity is not attributed to children getting dirty during play but rather to a persistent lack of care, evidenced by soiled and worn-out clothing, unwashed faces, and unkempt hair.”

16. “Parents who accompany their children to public spaces but rely on others to supervise them.”


17. Lastly: “Parents who permit their children to engage in destructive tantrums in public settings without intervention. While recognizing the necessity of attending to daily tasks, such as shopping, I recall an incident where I had meticulously organized an aisle only to have a child, disgruntled by the delay, sweep items off the shelves in a fit of rage. The parent’s lack of response or accountability, failing to address the situation or offer an apology, was disheartening.”

Many of us have likely encountered instances similar to those described above. Do you concur with these indicators of inadequate parenting? What behaviors exhibited by parents do you find troubling? Share your thoughts in the comments section or submit anonymously via the provided form!

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