Toddler Learning Activities

May 3, 2022

Even if they’re not in school, get them started learning shapes, letters, colors, and numbers with these toddler learning activities that you can initiate at home.

These activities will not only keep your two-year-old entertained, but they will also teach them the ABCs, 123s, and other fundamentals.

Toddlers learn everything they need to know in the world around them. This is the ideal moment to build the groundwork for future abilities such as reading and counting. Play off of your child’s interests is the key here. These eight activities for two-year-olds are easy to incorporate into everyday life.

Putting Her Name Out There

It’s a good idea to post your child’s name around the house—on her bedroom door, on a bathroom step stool, on the fridge—as soon as she can read and write. Say each letter aloud as you point to it. Think of additional terms that begin with the same letter as her name as a starting point.

Paying Attention to Symbols

Identify words and letters on street signs, at stores, and at the doctor’s office. Help your child develop additional rhyming terms by saying them out together. Speak slowly, enunciate properly, and place your finger beneath the letters and words as you read to assist your child grasp the connection between the letters and the sounds they produce.


Counting may come naturally to your 2-year-old, but it is unlikely that he will be able to do so until his preschool years. While getting him ready for the day, preparing meals, and doing the grocery shopping, practice adding up the totals. Encourage him to count along with you by showing him how to do it with his fingers.

Distinguishing Objects by Shape, Size, and Color

Early math is all about comparing, comparing, and contrasting objects. If you’re teaching your toddler how to categorize his stuffed animals, ask them to put them into piles according to their species (cats, for example). Look for ways in which he can help you separate your clean socks from his and put the different-sized spoons in the silverware tray. Your youngster will be able to tell the difference between less and more by the time they are two years old.

A Shape Book Can Be Made!

Your youngster can even build her own bound volume in a children’s book if you’d like. Cut out items that match the shapes you’ve drawn on paper, then look through magazines and newspapers to find them. In order to find other objects with unusual shapes, take a walk.

Your youngster notices objects, such as a square window, a round tire, and a rectangle brick, should be photographed. Print off the images and place them into the book when you arrive home. Then, label the forms. Show that shapes occur in a variety of sizes by including numerous examples on a single page.

Color Recognition through Finger Painting

Allowing your child to use finger paints as a fun learning activity for toddlers is a great way to provide them with direct exposure to color. Identify the colors as he spreads each one on the table. If you wait until the masterpiece has dried, you can go on a color-matching scavenger hunt throughout your house. Colors range from a mild sky blue to a dark blue so deep it looks almost black.

Incorporating Vibrant Phraseology

Help your child identify colors by using as many descriptive words as possible. Ask, “Would you like more red apple or yellow banana?” at lunchtime. According to English, choosing a day to honor a certain hue is another option.

On Thursday, wear green and eat green grapes and green beans while drinking green milk (a little food coloring will do the trick). Allow your child to unwind in a green bath with effervescent bath pills at the end of the day.

These are just some of the many toddler learning activities at home that you can start to do to give your kids that head-start at learning.

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