Everyone has their moments. The truth is that. But here are five behavior issues that you shouldn’t ignore and how you may quickly resolve them.
1. Stopping When You’re Trying to Speak
Allowing your child to butt in on your conversations does not teach them how to be thoughtful of others or amuse themselves when you’re busy, no matter how thrilled they are to tell you something or ask a question. They’ll feel entitled to other people’s attention and find it difficult to endure displeasure.
Tell your child the next time you’re about to talk to a friend or make a phone call that she needs to stay quiet so that you can get things done. Make sure they have something to do or let them play with a toy you keep hidden away before going to bed. Make a point of pointing to a chair or stair and politely telling them to sit there until you’re done speaking, if necessary. As a follow-up, let them know that interrupting will not help them get what they’re after.
2. Too much roughness
While you know that you have to intervene if your child hits a buddy, it is essential not to overlook more subtle gestures, such as shoving his brother or pinching a fellow playmate. If you don’t step in, rough behavior can become a habit by the age of eight if you don’t do something about it.
As an added bonus, it communicates the idea that harming others is okay. On the scene, confront hostile behavior. Make an appointment with your child and tell them, “Janey was hurt by it. If she did that to you, how would you feel?” If he hurts someone, let him know it’s not acceptable. Do not continue the playdate if they act out again.
Related article: Educating Your Child About Dating Violence
3. Giving the Appearance of Non-Awareness
A youngster who has been told more than twice to do something, such as to get in the car or clean up her toys, will learn that it is okay to disrespect you and that they, and not you, are in charge of the situation. Reminding your child over and over again teaches them to ignore what you have to say the first time you say it. The more you tolerate the behavior, the more probable it is that your child will grow stubborn and in charge.
Walk over and speak directly to your youngster instead of talking to them from across the room. Your child should respond by saying, “Okay, Mommy,” when you make eye contact. Impose a penalty if they don’t get moving.
4. Having a little of a positive outlook
Preschoolers sometimes replicate older children’s sarcastic conduct, even if you don’t think they’ll do it till they’re older. To see what their parents think, they do this. Some parents dismiss it as a phase, but you could wind up with a disrespectful third-grader who has difficulty developing and maintaining friendships if you don’t address it.
Instill self-awareness in your youngster. Tell them, “when you roll your eyes like that, it appears as though you don’t like what I’m saying.” It’s not your goal to make your child feel horrible about herself; instead, you want to show her how beautiful she is. If the conduct persists, you can refuse to engage and simply walk away.
Related article: Focusing on our children’s mental health
5. Inflating the Reality
Dishonesty in any form must be confronted by parents, even if it doesn’t seem like a huge matter to your child at first. It’s simple for your child to fall into the habit of lying if they learn that it’s a quick and easy method to improve their image, avoid having to accomplish something or escape punishment.
Set the record right with your child when they tell you a lie. People won’t believe them if they lie, so make sure they understand that. And don’t forget to examine their motives for lying in order to prevent them from accomplishing their aims.
Related articles: Normal and Abnormal Behavior In Children, Methods For Resolving Problems When Timeout Didn’t Work, Consequences Of Bad Behaviour In Children